Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Life Coach school.

I'm working on being a Life Coach.  It's a 6 month course that teaches me all of the stuff I need. There are two mandatory classes a week and then peer coaching and a lot of reading to do as well.   I am really loving it so far.  By the end of March I graduate...then I have 6 months on the entrepreneur track to get set up in my own business.  I can't wait.

It feels like being a Life coach is a next logical life step for me.  I have read self development books my entire life.  I read them just for fun and then want to share what I read with everyone.   I enjoy talking about all of these concepts and incorporating them into my world. 

There is a lot of learning about new ways of thinking about our world that have been eye opening.
For example:
How Urges are processed.  When we have an urge we can process them 1 of 3 ways.  We can give in to the urge and eat the ice cream, watch the tv show, not do the homework, take the drug etc... or we can try to repress and run away from the urge...pushing it down, trying not to think about it or we can just allow the urge to happen and sit with it because it will eventually go away.
This is so much how we deal with a toddler at a grocery store.  When the toddler is having a fit- a tantrum in the grocery store because it wants a piece of candy you can give into the toddler and give it the candy thus re-enforcing the tantrum and making the child do this every time it wants candy because it gets a result.  Or... you can try to run away from the toddler and not deal with it, but the toddler will find you and you are in charge of the toddler, so pushing it down and leaving doesn't work.  Third option...and the best one is just sitting with the toddler and helping it through it's tantrum.  Staying calm and  explaining why the candy isn't going to happen and that's ok.  The toddler will eventually settle down and the tantrum will subside.    The urge will settle down and eventually go away. 

How emotions are processed work the same way.  We can wallow in it or buffer it or just allow it to happen.  Emotions are just vibrations in our body.  All emotions are fine and our bodies are equipped to handle and know what to do with them.  We need to allow them to happen and really tune into what's happening in our bodies.

All of the life coaching happens through a model.  The model is CTFAR  C is circumstance. T is Thought. F is Feeling. A is action and R is Result.  Circumstances are always neutral and can be proven in a court of law.  Thoughts are what we think about the circumstances which generate our feelings which put us into action or in action and then we get our results in life.  Results are always because of our thoughts.  If we work on our thoughts and use ones that empower and serve us our results will be better. 

Life coaching is about helping people look at their thoughts and realize they are in charge of their own life experience.   I hope to get better and better at it.

There really is so much.  I'm meeting some cool people in my 10 student peer group that meets once a week to process and help each other.   I'm also meeting with two other peers one on one during the week to run models on and coach each other.

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