Monday, October 22, 2018

Halloween Party

My Extended COLE Halloween party was awesome.  We gathered, ate fun food, played wink- the murder game, and laughed at each other's costumes.  Preston came as a shadow in a black body suit and is only visible in the pics by the white band of his hat.  He is sitting below - Poppy-mama Coco in this picture.   
 Guy and Angela came as Hill billy's... or two parts of the Soggy Bottom boys.
 Preston was the shadow and had a great time mimicking people and posing like them, or laying on the floor as their shadow. 
 Laila was Where's Waldo.  She was trying out her upcoming Saturday night Halloween dance costume.
 Casey was a school of fish for Rooney's Shark.  Becca was Regina from Mean Girls with her pregnant belly.
 Nano was grumpy cat and Rachel was a witch with her pregnant belly.  Adam and Christine are excited for two grand babies next February.
 Landon was Flynn Ryder doing the "smoulder" with Me and Mother Gothel and "Mother Knows Best."
 Monson was the Ginger- bread-man and Lexi was Pumpkin Pi.
 Lady as a Lady bug.  She is so content and happy to be on Uncle Landon's lap.
 We had delicious , fun food. 
 Jenna came as Shakespeare...with her quill and play book.
 Poppy as Mama Coco, with Bre and Addison as Imelda and Hector.
 Liz came as herself, so had to put on the mama coco wig with Addison.
 Nelson and Hayden were retired Football kickers......

 Tayla as Merida from Brave and Alfie as Miquel from Coco scare me in front of the monster door.
Laila and her shadow......

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