Friday, November 15, 2024

Sister Act Closed

Men of the show:  David Hales, David Simon, Flash Kiernan, Jacob Draber, Jaron Rose, John Lee Roroing, Jordan Wheeler, Matt Ford, Nate Petersen
Women of the show- Front row: Kaylee Wheeler, Erin Roring, Melissa Virgin, Heather Braegger , Catherine Washburn, 2nd: Melinda, Alyssa Stevens, Ashley Williams, Angela Warnock, 3rd: Cassie Dibbins, Shawnee Johnson, Amber Storm, Jen Petersen, Carla Zarate,  (missing- Holly Lowell)
Back;  Alyssa Horton, Olivia Lusk, Maddie Smith

 Sister Act has been a joy this fall.  I'm really grateful to have had the opportunity to play Mother Superior. She is a great character who changes from black and white, us vs. them thinking into a person filled with love, sacrifice and inclusion.  She has a lot of faith and really relies on her relationship with God...and I try to do all of those things in my she was a good reminder for me of how I want to live.   

I had so many family and friends and ward members come to support me. I am really grateful for that.  

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