Friday, November 8, 2024

Election loss

I can’t believe the results of this Election.  Over 71 million people elected a man for president who spewed racist and discriminatory rhetoric about Black and Brown people and immigrants. Who has vowed to deport millions of immigrants. Who is a proud misogynist- who doesn’t care about women, who’s been found liable for sexual abuse, who is a 34-count felon for shady business dealings, and who has already been impeached and indicted for inciting a violent riot at the Capitol. Who preaches hate, conspiracy theories, false truths, and fake news - “Anybody who isn’t a fellow Trump follower is clearly untrustworthy.”   Trump is a narcissist who truly wants to be a KING– not just a president of this country. 

 I am sad.  There is a heaviness around all of this for me.  It actually makes my stomach hurt when good Christian people compare him to our Savior and say he has been “saved” for this time.  I can’t. I just can’t.  He’s the antithesis of everything I’ve been taught to believe about Jesus and being a follower of Jesus Christ.   I blame misinformation- and the media people interact with for this.

I sent this to my kids when Trump won:  Wow. I can’t believe America fell for this con man again. We lost our humanity because the price of eggs is too high.   I’m going to grieve for a bit then take the next right step.   

I like this from Venice Williams:    

You are awakening to the 

same country you fell asleep to.

The very same country.

Pull yourself together.


when you see me, 

do not ask me

"What do we do now?

How do we get through the next four years?"

Some of my Ancestors dealt with 

at least 400 years of this 

under worse conditions.

Continue to do the good work.

Continue to build bridges not walls.

Continue to lead with compassion.

Continue the demanding work 

of liberation for all.

Continue to dismantle broken systems, 

large and small.

Continue to set the best example 

for the children.

Continue to be a vessel of nourishing joy.

Continue right where you are.

Right where you live into your days.

Do so in the name of 

The Creator who expects 

nothing less from each of us.

And if you are not "continuing" 

ALL of the above, 

in community, partnership, collaboration?

What is it you have been doing?

What is it you are waiting for?

Anyway….. The supporters of Trump think they have won….but I believe we have all LOST.  I hope that Donald Trump will do the good things the Republicans are hoping he will and I pray he will do none of the bad things that I fear he will.  

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