Monday, September 16, 2024

Stay Spiritually full

 Our spirits need to have daily feeding and care of the soul to stay in tune to spiritual things.

Pay attention to the feeding of your spirit or it's easy to experience Spiritual Anorexia where you become ....numb to the spirit..... You have spiritual anorexia when nothing feels good at church, or start to tune out and play on your phone more in church, or feel negative about whatever is said in a talk over the pulpit, or find other things to do on Sunday and stop going to church, or believe you're smarter than everyone else in the church, or stop listening to scripture type podcasts and tune in instead to questioning LDS podcasts about what's wrong with the church.    When you are  Spiritually Anorexic and you’re sitting in church and someone stands up to testify it is easy to pick it apart and say, "That’s crazy. That’s not true. I don’t believe that."

Spiritual Anorexia is a spiritual blindness of the mind, and difficulty feeling and hearing the voice of the Prophet or what the spirit is telling you to do. 

How do we stay out of Spiritual Anorexia and instead Feast on the spirit and seek spiritual things and work on God-like qualities? 

Remember that you get to be in charge of the relationship you have with God.  

So get yourself in a place where God can speak to you.  I love the temple.  I couldn’t always say this. Now my temple time is about building a relationship.   Now it’s a place to totally unplug and talk to God.  You can do this inside or outside of the temple.  Go to the grounds..they have been dedicated as well.  Keep your phone in the car..and sit and pray and talk to God.  Feel the spirit and Fill your spirit.  

The more time I spend at church or in my calling— I feel like I'm giving something to God…. Feels like I'm building a relationship.  High demand religion is good.

Decide where you want to spend your time?  What type of person do you want to be?  What thoughts do you want to have, and what conversations do you want to engage in and what types of people do you want to be around?

Then.... if decide you want to stay in the church and have a relationship with God,  STEEP YOURSELF IN SPIRITUAL THINGS.

This is what has served me and my thoughts and the way I go about my days the last eight years of my life. I read or listen to a chapter in the Book of Mormon every single day.  I listen to uplifting spiritual podcasts and share and discuss these with family and friends.  I read LDS books and books on Faith from other religions.  I talk to faith-filled friends. When I have questions about church policies or conference talks... I zoom out, I take it to God.  I've chosen to be here for the long haul. 

I heard this and I think it's good advice for those questioning their faith...."How long were you a believer going to church?   Take that same amount of time with your doubts still going to church.   Then if you still want to, you can leave the church."  But don't throw away a good thing until you find something better.  Take some time.    You don’t have to know as much as you think you need to know, to stay here.  

I know it is possible to be happy outside of my religion.  There are many beautiful things in this world God has given us.  Heavenly Father loves all his children, not just members of the LDS church.  He’s filled the world with good things that bring joy like music, art, theatre, hikes, nature, flowers, ripe tomatoes, family game time, beaches, lakes, eating out at restaurants, sunsets and sunrises, singing with a band, hanging out with friends, good food, … 

We have many good/ fun/ joyful mortal things....but there will come a point where they cannot satisfy the deeper needs that we have.  I  am always searching for light and truth.    

So many people ask what’s the point of this life?  Why are we here? Where’s the peace?  Because of my religion, I have the answers.  I believe the Teachings of Christ are of eternal nature.   His reach is beyond our mortal world.  Beyond our time and space.

I believe we were built for Joy!!  Joy and grief are inextricably connected.  Life is hard and it’s heavy and trials are an essential part of our progression.. and the end goal is still Joy!

Trials that we have in life can really affect and color how we view life itself and the choices we make.  It's so important to know how to navigate moments of uncertainty and hurt.  The value of the teachings of Christ help me exist in the moment of trial…which are devastating at times..but also how to navigate after.  I noticed this so much when my dad, mom and Marcie died.  It was devastating and sweet because I have a belief in a wonderful afterlife and progression past this life.  I can stand in present day uncertainty and still feel hope and trust.  The teachings of Christ give me an eternal perspective. This helps me.  I like living in this space and going throughout my day and interactions with this as my foundation.

No spiritual anorexia for me... I'm feasting. 

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