Monday, September 23, 2024

Celebrating DAD

 My sweet dad has been gone for 9 years.  We will have a big 10-year DEATH-a-versay celebration next year with all the fixins and family, but this year we celebrated with siblings and a BBQ dinner at our home. 

wayne made delicious smoked ribs-- that he basically prepares and fusses with all day...but they turn out so delicious and fall off the bone it's worth it.  Plus he made his sourdough bread!  Others brought fruit and salads and beans..and a fresh peach cream cheese dessert.  All so good.  Our activity was portrait painting!  We drew names out of a hat, then that's who he got to paint.  None of us are very good at this, so it turned out just as "awesome" as predicted.  I ended up painting two-- because Guy decided he didn't want to "play."  I say be a participator.  Life is too short not to just jump in and do things, whether you are good at them or not!

Liz painted Christine

Angela painted Liz
Gary painted Allison

Wayne painted Melinda

Melinda painted Gary
Melinda painted Angela
Christine painted Wayne
Adam painted Guy
Al painted Adam.

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