Thursday, June 13, 2024

June happenings.

Wayne and I sang in our Stake's Temple celebration for the dedication of the Layton Temple.  It was so much fun to sing in a hundred voice choir.  This is a pic of the people in our Forest Hills ward who sang with us.  We are enjoying getting to know this new ward family.  We sand "Restored," "Spirit of God," and "Let us All Press on."
Holly treated Wayne to a Happy Brother's day meal at Chuck a rama...she does this in place of Father's Day.
Wayne and I went into the Tabernacle to see our Sophia sing in a Portuguese choir for a fireside that Elder Soares put on for the Portuguese saints.  We didn't understand one word! 
Addison's "Kiss Me Kate" show opened at Centerpoint Theatre.  He is great at Fred Graham/Petruchio.  He has wanted to play this part since he was 8 and watched me perform in it as Kate at the Grand Theatre.  

My aunt Darlene turned 90 and her family had a great open house for her where Dar sat in her chair, welcomed people and looked like a queen!
Wayne and I are biking!  I don't have a broken foot this summer so I'm looking forward to more rides. 
I took our ward's primary activity day boys and girls to Camp Tracy.  IT was a great day...we hiked, canoed, rock climbed, bb gun shooting, archery, ga ga ball playing and found plants.... I love serving as ward Primary President.


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