Saturday, June 6, 2020

Rainbow Party for PRIDE

We celebrated Family Pride with a Rainbow party. With no official pride parade and party because of covid/19, we had our own.

We all wore rainbow clothes and ate a colorful spread of rainbow veggies, fruits, skittles, muddy buddies and Play-dough ice cream.

Because we range in grandkid age from six months to 13 years, Landon read us a color book on how important each color is. Then we read about Gay activist Harvey Milk and how the Pride flag originated. ( we were going to march around the block with our pride flags but it was a down pour—maybe next year)

We all painted rainbow canvases for our rooms and message rocks of love and hope to hide around our neighborhood to brighten someone’s day who finds it. ( The 2 year olds lasted for 15 minutes painting and made a mess. Our 13 year old painted for 2 hours)

We sang rainbow songs and had a Meema and 4 littles dance party. It was a ton of fun.

We do all of this in an effort to open up hearts and conversations around inclusion and sexuality. Loving everyone and not judging.

We don’t love our kids no matter who they are we love them because they are exactly who they are.

Wayne and I choose faith and love in our home. We love our LGBTQ family members, we love our unconditional family, we love the gospel of Jesus Christ, we love the LDS faith, we love our Savior. We do not have to choose either/or; we can have both/ and.

I have hope that all will be loved and accepted for who they are. That all will feel a sense of belonging. For that is the way the Savior loved and lived. Maybe one day, there won’t need to be a pride flag.

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