“It’s May! It’s May the Lusty month of May!”.
That’s a lyric from a song from “Camelot” the musical that I wouldn’t even know if it weren’t for my amazing mom. Mom was a musical theatre aficionado, a delicious cook, an artist, a Bear Lake beach bum, a lover of puzzles and Christmas music and a collector of people. Mom had a gift for gab and loved on everyone she met.
This is her month.
She was born on this day in May and died in May and add Mother’s day to the mix and we have 13 days of Sharing Sheri.
This year to honor mom and celebrate her ways, we are reaching out each day to someone with a kind text, email or phone call. Join us as we remember Sheri from May 9 - May 21st.

I made these cards up to send to some of mom's old ward members. I'm hoping they go "ahhh" ...and think of Sheri.
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