Monday, May 11, 2020

Mother's Day 2020

Did you survive Mother's Day?

Mom-ing can be a beautiful thing — and a messy thing.

There are a lot of opinions out there about Mother's day.

I'm good with Mother’s day because I love being with my family, I get my own gift, and keep my expectations low (then anything that happens is a beautiful bonus). I also like to send texts to other women who have mothered and sistered me; women I’m grateful for and admire.

I manage my thoughts around all of it.

I use thoughts like:
Mother’s day is about my mom and Wayne’s mom, and all those who have mothered me.

I am the best mom I know how to be.

It’s possible I’m exactly the mom my kids need.

My kids are lucky to have me.

I’m good enough and that’s enough.

On Mother’s Day I focus on the good - and I get what I focus on.

The ideal of Motherhood has been placed so high on a pedestal that it’s easy to feel inadequate - but don’t buy into it. The world needs good enough mothers because guess what? That’s what it’s got! That describes all of us…..and we are unique and extraordinary too.

KISSES to all you imperfect women out there for sistering together and mothering together in our world.

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