Saturday, June 15, 2019

Motorcycle weekend

 Just got back for a two day Utah, Wyoming, Idaho 555 mile motorcycle ride.   It was great to spend the time with my Wayne and Brad and Karen Butters, Jesse and Laurie Hubbard and Jesse's brother Jim and wife Connie, Mike and Ann Lundquist.    It started out threatening rain and cold, with dark clouds always looming over our shoulders, but we by passed most of it.


 It was really so beautiful and so good to get away and be together.  Perfect for a pre-Father's day activity.  Wayne and I get to where we just do the same old every week and don't talk much about what's new.  Wayne's gone a lot with Bishoping so when we can spend one on one time together and share what's going on in our lives and I get to hear him tell some of our life stories with others in his animated way, I find him so attractive and I remember why he's my best boyfriend.  I love this guy and feel so blessed to be his wife.

 We motorcycled through Evanston and stopped at Jody's Diner for a big breakfast, then circled up through Wyoming into Montpelier, Idaho, then down to Garden City.  Stopped at Le Beau's for double raspberry shakes.  The rest of the group went down the mountain to Logan and Wayne and I stayed in Bear Lake so I could speak at a YSA camp.    The Lilacs, the sunset, the talk was all so fun.  I spoke on lies that Satan tells us that keep us stuck and truth's that set us free and help us to progress in our lives.    It rained on us as we sat around the campfire when I was only 5 minutes into my presentation, we thought it might pass, but it didn't and after 5 minutes of sprinkles, we finally all ran into the cabin and then it down poured.  The YSA's all squished in to a room and sat on the floor and we  had a "smackdown" of don't believe what other people say about you, you are of worth, set some goals and know that life is 50/50 and that's how it's supposed to be- so feel all of the positive and negative feelings and know that's part of life and keep moving forward.  Don't buffer with video games, and overeating, and social media scrolling, and Netflix. I taught them a bit about how the brain works, and why the lower brain loves to keep us stuck and moving into our higher brain through gratitude is the goal.  It was great to be with the YSA's and with my Wayne.

Saturday morning we met back up with the group after a gorgeous morning ride down Logan Canyon.  We circled back up to Preston Idaho, through a canyon back over to Montpelier, Idaho, around Bear Lake, and then stopped in Randolph, Utah for lunch.  Then we rode home by way of Montecristo and Pineview.

It was all a gorgeous, beautiful testimony to me of our beautiful world and love of my Heavenly Father.

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