Friday, June 14, 2019

Life is 50/50

The one thing my friend got from Life coaching with me which has really set her free is the concept
that we don't have to be happy all of the time.  That it's okay and really part of God's plan to feel all
of the emotions which includes unhappy. 50% happy. 50% unhappy.

Life is 50/50 and I see more evidence of the truthfulness of this all around me in my own days, my
children’s lives,  Wayne’s work, politics, weather, and my clients that I talk to.

We wouldn’t know what happy even feels like if we are that ALL OF THE TIME.  It's like a fish in
water. What's water to a fish until it's taken out of it?  

So much of our struggle is because we always think that we should be happier than we are,
especially as we look at our social media feeds or get the Sunday answer from our neighbors,
and friends when we ask how they are, “I’m fine.”  
We start to think that things should be different than they are.
That we should feel less negative emotion in our own lives than we do.
When we’re unhappy about all of that, we’re actually creating a lot more unhappiness than 50/50.

Learning to manage our minds puts an end to our suffering that is so unnecessary: the suffering that
comes from thinking that our circumstances should be any different than they are.
But that doesn’t mean that we’re not going to feel negative emotion. We’ll always feel grief, sadness,
embarrassment, shame, anger.
The point is to understand there isn’t anything wrong with those emotions.
They are part of our human experience.

That’s exactly how it’s supposed to be - 50/50.

1 comment:

peggy said...

Thank you! Love these posts.