Monday, February 25, 2019

No more Bucket Lists

If I asked you what your plans are for the future- do you know?  Many of us would have no idea.

If your thoughts aren't about a bigger, more exciting, unpredictable future then you are stuck in the past. The Past is memory-- that's it, not evidence of what you can and can't do. Your next 50 years could be the most innovative and creative ones, in fact there is tremendous opportunity for growth if we will allow those future thoughts to flow.

One way to think about the future and goals is with lists of stuff we want to do. In the past we were busy making bucket lists, but bucket lists have the connotation of I gotta get all of these things done before I die. What about a life list - things we are going to get done to feel alive, because we are alive, because we want to live?!?

So my future life list looks something like this:
1.Always have a current passport and be ready for EVERY adventure
2.Travel to NYC with cousins
3.Have a million dollars in my bank account
4.Go to Israel
5.Go to Machu Pichu
6.Sing an ABBA song with my sisters in full ABBA Costumes
7.Be on stage in a show at least one time a year
8.Become a life coach and help many people
9.Disney Cruise with family
10.Own a cabin on a lake
11.Get eye surgery- Lasik
12.Read ALL the books
13.Put on retreats for women
14.Dive off the Great Barrier reef
15.Travel and serve in India with Rising Star
16.Go to Cannon Beach
17.Travel in a motorhome with my kids
18.Take Grandkids on a one on one trip when they hit 8 (or 11)
19.Write a book(s)
20.Write Children's books
21.Become a motivational speaker
22.Mentor people
23.Guest on podcasts
24.Give a Ted talk
25.Meet Brooke Castillo and Jody Moore
26.Mission with Wayne
27.Cross Country Road trip (3 weeks)
28.Visit Terry and Cyrrena while on their mission in the Phillipines
29.Do Art retreat with artist Flora Bowley
30.Meditation practice

The rule with a life list is you can keep adding to it, but you can't take anything off of it; just keep putting it out there and working toward it. Speak it to the universe and get ready for the adventure of life!!

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