Wednesday, November 7, 2018

I love Donald Trump

I love Donald Trump.

He is a child of God just like I am a Child of God and he's doing the best he can.  I'm doing the best I can.  I'm not going to judge him and I'm not going to judge me.

I was generating so much hate towards Donald Trump and I was the only one feeling this hate,  Donald Trump wasn't feeling my hate.  I was only hurting me! 

I'm moving out of my "I hate Donald Trump" where I was living for a year. I'm pretty happy that I can now just look at him as fascinating and human.

I'm sure I'm fascinating and human too.

I want to always say lovely things about other people.  Not give into the drama of talking about others behind their back and move into only saying the things I would say to them in person.

Anyway, I've been working on this and thinking about this with all people in my life.

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