Laila was so sad today, knowing this was the last day of school.
Monson was thrilled today, because yesterday was his last day of school.
Laila was sad because her "most favorite of all time, and no one will ever take her place" teacher is leaving Valley View to teach at a different school. Laila has loved Ms. this was a sad day for Laila. She was happy when Ms. Halverson gave out her personal email they can stay in touch.
Ms. Halverson dubbed Laila, "Queen of Questions." Laila's biggest issue this year was talking out of turn, and staying focused on the discussion, but she's so cute when she does it, it's hard to be upset with her. (She is a born talker....just like Brother Landon.)
Laila had a great year! She loved going to school and wanted to be early every day. She never wanted to be sick or miss for any reason.
She got a special award in the end of year assembly.
"Certificate of Friendship"
Laila and Jacob Evans were the only two in their class that received this award.
Laila is excited for 3rd grade. She can't wait to write in cursive and "not get in trouble for doing it, like you do in 2nd grade......"
...on the other hand.....
Monson has been counting down the end of his junior year, since last September.
He got his yearbook and had it "taken" from him , passed around ,and filled with a few autograph/phone numbers....and some "have a fun summer" notes. He thinks this is all ridiculous. *See Truman's take on year books...below...
Monson is not "big" on school.
He doesn't sluff or get bad grades...he just doesn't think he is learning anything. Maybe he's not...I don't know. I hope he's learning about getting along with people who are different than he is, and being nice to every one( even teachers), to stick up for the underdog, and not to do stupid stuff.
These are all good lessons to learn in High School along with reading, writing and 'rithmetic.
I am glad sports and being in choir keep him going.
"School is boring but a necessary evil that he has to do to keep everyone off his back."
I promise him that some day he will want to be educated and " to do" something with his life besides play sports and sing.
I am hoping his Senior year is a successful one.
This summer Monson is trying to put on muscle and he is ready for football and basketball once more. Notice the giant spoon and bowl....he also has a giant fork. Eating is serious business.
* Truman loved year book signing day.
He made it a goal to get as many as he could, and sign as many as he could. HE LOVED IT! One day at the end of last summer he went through his entire year book and called EVERYONE who wrote...."Call me" or "let's keep in touch" or "we need to get together" or left a phone number. EVERYONE. It was a joke, of course, and he smiled and laughed to himself the entire time he was doing it.
"Hello this is Truman. You wrote in my year book to call you, so I'm doing that......"
Silence on the other end.
Random + Funny= Truman
he SO would. good idea, tru.
This is something Brookie and Truman would do together. Brooke's fave is to say HAGS even when it isn't summer.
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