I love my Dad.
It was always Great to be known as Lyle Cole's daughter. He always had a reputation for being kind and genuine and knowing everyone in town. He is an Idaho boy through and through....but embraced Utah because that's where his love Sheri, wanted to be.
I love my dad.
My Dad was asked to write about his father and mother and what it was like growing up in Idaho for a Fairview, Idaho book.
I thought it was fitting to share this on Father's Day..........
Joseph Truman Cole and Bertha Nelson Bright
After the death of their respective spouses (Mary Louie Pratt Cole and Preston Leon Bright) Truman and
Bertha were married March 19, 1924.
They met at the Seed and Feed store in Preston where Bertha was working . She was working for her brother-in-law Dave Davis. Truman was a good customer. Both of them had been single for about four years. Bertha was supporting her two young daughters, Thelma and Dean; and Truman was busy being father and mother to his three sons who were still at home ( Myron, Earl, and Lowell)- and one on a mission (Vern) Two other children were married and living in Fairview; Ethel Larsen (Urven) and Ed Cole (Gwen) The advantage of marrying were apparent to Bertha and Truman. And besides, they were in love! Truman now had two little girls who needed a dad and Bertha had an instant large family to take care of. They both agreed "she had jumped from the frying pan into the fire."
Life was not the easiest in the late twenties or early nineteen thirties. It was depression time in America and the dollar was not easily made nor stretched over the family needs. With Vern just home from his LDS mission and Earl and Lowell ready to go, it was difficult to support two more missionaries as well as a large family. Truman and Bertha were both hard workers. The farm and associated livestock along with a large productive garden made it so their family always had sufficient for their needs. With a family that would eventually number thirteen, (His, Hers. and Ours) it was a challenge!

From their marriage came five children;
Roma, born March 19 1925 Married Gerold Frank Jones September 21, 1946. Parents of two children...Diana and Michael.
Phyllis born June 19 1929. Married Clyde G. Palmer May 11, 1951. Parents of two children. Allen and Bradley.
Lyle born September 25th 1931. Married Sharolyn Butters June 9, 1959. Parents of five children: Marcie, Melinda, Adam, Elizabeth, and Angela
Jay T born December 4, 1933. Married Myrna wheeler November 27, 1957 Parents of four children, Julie Ann, Nora Lynn, Robert Jay, and Jeanne
Jerold (Jerry) born August 27, 1937 Married Patricia O'Brien August 27, 1959 Parents of four children: Brian, Laurie, David, and Paula
Memories of Fairview and our growing up years are mixed and varied. We remember the games of "annie I over" the two story school house roof; the outdoor toilets at school; the challenges with getting to school in Fairview and to Preston high school; the bus rides with our neighbors and friends; the challenges of school lunches which we have long been remembered. Those school lunches helped us love some foods and really dislike others for most of our lives.
We still remember the long days in the sugar beet fields. We now know the time working with sugar beets, alf alfa hayfields, and grain fields was building character and developing muscles. The character and muscle part was fully supported by Mom and Dad who were trying to mold us into good people. We, as kids, only felt the sneeze from the hay dust and the monotony of the long sugar beet rows. Still, it is good to look back on and remember as part of our development. More discipline came with early morning chores...milking the cows and feeding the calves...fixing school lunches and getting ready to catch the yellow school bus. All of this made quite a schedule for us.
Some memorable things: We all had great youth leaders and received much encouragement. We all still remember the Gold and Green balls along with the floor show numbers we were taught. From " Can you see my...can you see my... can you see my new shoes" to the " Virginia Reel" Lots of times we would dance with our little brothers and or big sister but it was great.
The MIA spook alleys at the church meant going down through the furnace room and up through the restrooms and a slide in the dark down to the recreation hall for the party and goodies. We also remember the boys choir, the baseball teams, the holiday parties and dances, the wedding receptions, the basketball and baseball games, All of these things run together as great "feel good in the heart" events.
We love Fairview Idaho. This is where we became good citizens and disciples of the Savior. Our lives have found us involved as church leaders and followers in places like: Sitka Alaska. Idaho Falls Idaho, Edinburgh Scotland, Nauvoo Illinois, Bountiful Utah, Fairview Idaho and Albuquerque New Mexico We have served as youth and adult leaders, as missionaries and temple workers in all of our communities. And to think it all started in Fairview.
As in all families some of us have graduated from this life and gone to a holier place.
Joseph Truman Cole...April 8 1948
Bertha Nelson Cole November 14 1967
Roma Cole Jones May 30, 1993
Garald F. Jones September 18, 2007
Clyde G. Palmer ( Husband of Phyllis Cole) November 11,2000
Jay T. Cole August 28. 1971
Brian Cole (son of Jerry and Patti) December 23,1991
Our thought and prayers and hopes turn to these family members:
Our numerous posterity holds on to the iron rod and charges onward and upward.
"Hurrah for Israel"
Roma, born March 19 1925 Married Gerold Frank Jones September 21, 1946. Parents of two children...Diana and Michael.
Phyllis born June 19 1929. Married Clyde G. Palmer May 11, 1951. Parents of two children. Allen and Bradley.
Lyle born September 25th 1931. Married Sharolyn Butters June 9, 1959. Parents of five children: Marcie, Melinda, Adam, Elizabeth, and Angela
Jay T born December 4, 1933. Married Myrna wheeler November 27, 1957 Parents of four children, Julie Ann, Nora Lynn, Robert Jay, and Jeanne
Jerold (Jerry) born August 27, 1937 Married Patricia O'Brien August 27, 1959 Parents of four children: Brian, Laurie, David, and Paula
Memories of Fairview and our growing up years are mixed and varied. We remember the games of "annie I over" the two story school house roof; the outdoor toilets at school; the challenges with getting to school in Fairview and to Preston high school; the bus rides with our neighbors and friends; the challenges of school lunches which we have long been remembered. Those school lunches helped us love some foods and really dislike others for most of our lives.
We still remember the long days in the sugar beet fields. We now know the time working with sugar beets, alf alfa hayfields, and grain fields was building character and developing muscles. The character and muscle part was fully supported by Mom and Dad who were trying to mold us into good people. We, as kids, only felt the sneeze from the hay dust and the monotony of the long sugar beet rows. Still, it is good to look back on and remember as part of our development. More discipline came with early morning chores...milking the cows and feeding the calves...fixing school lunches and getting ready to catch the yellow school bus. All of this made quite a schedule for us.
Some memorable things: We all had great youth leaders and received much encouragement. We all still remember the Gold and Green balls along with the floor show numbers we were taught. From " Can you see my...can you see my... can you see my new shoes" to the " Virginia Reel" Lots of times we would dance with our little brothers and or big sister but it was great.
The MIA spook alleys at the church meant going down through the furnace room and up through the restrooms and a slide in the dark down to the recreation hall for the party and goodies. We also remember the boys choir, the baseball teams, the holiday parties and dances, the wedding receptions, the basketball and baseball games, All of these things run together as great "feel good in the heart" events.
We love Fairview Idaho. This is where we became good citizens and disciples of the Savior. Our lives have found us involved as church leaders and followers in places like: Sitka Alaska. Idaho Falls Idaho, Edinburgh Scotland, Nauvoo Illinois, Bountiful Utah, Fairview Idaho and Albuquerque New Mexico We have served as youth and adult leaders, as missionaries and temple workers in all of our communities. And to think it all started in Fairview.
As in all families some of us have graduated from this life and gone to a holier place.
Joseph Truman Cole...April 8 1948
Bertha Nelson Cole November 14 1967
Roma Cole Jones May 30, 1993
Garald F. Jones September 18, 2007
Clyde G. Palmer ( Husband of Phyllis Cole) November 11,2000
Jay T. Cole August 28. 1971
Brian Cole (son of Jerry and Patti) December 23,1991
Our thought and prayers and hopes turn to these family members:
Our numerous posterity holds on to the iron rod and charges onward and upward.
"Hurrah for Israel"
1 comment:
That was so sweet! Your dad is awesome. What an amazing story! Thanks for sharing.
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