I'm thankful for a sense of humor....if you can't laugh at yourself and others, life just isn't worth living.
I'm thankful for my Wayne. He is doing great with "the diz"currently, but I know he has his moments and days when he would just rather be in bed. I mean bed in the sick way and not in the fun way....wink , wink....
I'm thankful for my Laila. We went shopping yesterday and she kept taking tops off the rack that were my size and seeing how they would look on her as dresses.
She says the funniest things: "I'm not going to eat that salad, because, you know, dark green lettuce leaves are better for you than the light ones." "Do I act like I'm 12 mom? cuz, I hang around a lot of 12 year olds, and they like me." "I don't like noodley food."
I marvel at this opportunity I get to be her mom.
She did have an insightful prayer the other night....she said, "help me not to sin...oh wait a minute.... I mean, help me that when I do sin, I will really, really want to repent."
How great is that?
I'm thankful for Si food....I got treated to a delish salad .....and it was a -ma-zing. I did find out one thing I can "cook" that Si can't.......trumpet fanfare please.....jello! Oh the awesomeness of me!
I'm thankful for red tomatoes ripening on the vines in my front and back yards. My mouth is watering just thinking about these scrumptious morsels.
Well.....what are you thinkful for? I mean thankful ........think about it!
Definitely thankful for Si and her fabulous cooking! I think she should feed us every night. I am loving my tomatoes that are getting ripe also. I love big expensive weddings, you enjoy that heat and tell us all about it when you get back!
I'm thankful for friends who love food! my word verification is "obsess" HA. It's a sign.
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