I have had song lyrics going through my head this entire weekend.

This 4th I did what I've been doing every 4th for the past 46 years... Afternoon swim party at Grandma B's. It was great...just the Cole Clan came this year which is kind of unusual, but fun. We swim, eat, visit in the gazebo, laugh, share things from Gary's blackberry.... talk about how great Grandma is doing... have naps, and eat some more. (We had fish.)

"Proud to be an American...."
"This is my country, land that I love...."
"This land was made for you and me...."
We started our 4th of July with a beautiful mountain ride on our motorcycle. The mountains were lush because of all of the rain, and everything was gorgeous. Even the white overcast sky added to the beauty. Sometimes as we are riding, and my head is singing, my eyes start crying and I'm just overwhelmed with the Love of my Heavenly Father. This beauty is just a reminder of heaven.
As anyone knows who has read this blog for any length of time, my favorite season, hands down is SUMMER! It has 4 swim/BBQ holidays in it plus my birthday! It doesn't get any better for me.
Then we were off to Tami and Rob's for their second annual BBQ, volleyball and gutter fireworks night! We BBQ'd, you guessed it, more fish.
For fun, we made individual paper bag-ball ice cream for everyone, which was a kick. It's individual servings of milk and cream and flavoring, put in freezer bags, then in a bigger freezer bag with ice and salt, then wrapped up like a football in 5 sheets of newpaper, taped really tight. The kids played with it and shook it for about 10 minutes and wallah...frozen ice cream!
Thanks Tami for this fun idea!!
We felt like...pioneers!?!--- wrong holiday....How about Revolutionaries who like ice cream? Better.
The gutter-works were especially awesome, thanks to six punks using punks and setting large batches of fireworks off at the same time. WOW.
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