my AMERICAN IDOL is over and I'm sad.
I loved the finale.
So great to see and hear all of these MUSIC legends singing with the idol kids. A ton of unexpected laughs and great tunes! I cried. I didn't care who won, although I must admit, I thought it was going to be Adam over Kris.
Now it's over.
What am I going to do with my tv nights now?
Not only is IDOL over, but so is BIGGEST LOSER and DANCING WITH THE STARS. I am a huge fan of all of these. They fill my winter/spring nights with joy.
Now what am I going to watch?
It's a good thing my friend Kimi reminded my about my summer fave that's staring soon....
okay, okay
my tv life can go on.......
When I was at the ortho office, I read PEOPLE, and it said Jon and Kate plus 8 starts a new season next week, a little more interesting now that the father of 8 decided to have an affair in his spare time...put that on your list of shows to watch! You KNOW she's going to punish him on air.
Oh Si, you watch too much T.V. But I love you anyway.
I loved the finale and I love Kris! I can't believe he won... and I am pumped for a summer So You Think You Can Dance!
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