I can't believe we are at Thursday, again.
Where does the time fly?
We are half way through May!!!
Okay.....what am I thankful for?
I'm thankful for my new Mac computer....huge screen, cool apps, a lot of fun....and it WORKS-- with no viruses!
I'm thankful to be going to Truman's end of year A'capella Concert at the U of U's Gardner Hall. I love how the choir sounds in that setting. I have been to 2 other concerts there, with older sons, so I know what a treat it is.
I'm thankful I can move and exercise and walk...all without pain.
I'm thankful that I finally bowled over a 100 on family night. I didn't even use bumpers! This is huge! I should join a league...ha,ha.
I'm thankful my school work is almost at an end. Half of my phone calls are complete.... only nine more days to finish up!
I'm thankful for my mom. She is an amazing woman! Anyone who knows her will tell you that. She celebrated a BIG birthday a few days ago-- she looks twenty years younger than she is. She always has ten things going on and has the energy and talent to accomplish it.
Sheri is beautiful, inside and out. She has a huge heart and is very inclusive. She brings in the straggler and makes everyone feel wonderful. I can't believe I'm so lucky to be her daughter....and to work with her. So.....just thinking about my sweet mom and what a blessing she is to me.

I'm thankful
1 comment:
Oh - your Mom is wonderful! I love that Miss Laila's pic and hers are close together. I want to see the fro wig on your mom!
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