There are so many Best and Worst lists out in the media at the end of each year. You can't watch the news or pick up a news paper or magazine with out seeing a list of some kind.
"10 phrases to get rid of."
"10 Best movies"
"10 Worst movies."
"10 Worst dressed."
"10 Best cars to drive"
"10 Political moves."
"10 Money mistakes."
I'm going to add my own "10-lists" to the mix.
TOP 10 BAD THINGS THAT HAPPENED IN 2008 from Melinda's perspective.
1. Monson - no good diagnosis about his painful right wrist, even after his second operation
2. Laura Belnap in Head on Collision in China-- many broken bones and torn ligaments
3. Laila serious Head Injury
4. I couldn't lose weight...again--- my weight is on the rise!
5. Monson has athsma and a heart condition
6. Wayne cancer scare and operation
7. Gas almost reached $5.00 a gallon
8. Lindsey moved to Reno
(Hey that's pretty good I can only think of 8--- now on to the Good stuff)
TOP 10 GREAT THINGS THAT HAPPENED IN 2008 from Melinda's perspective.
1. Laila had a MIRACLE recovery from her head injury...what could have easily been a month in the hospital,or worse, was only 4 days.
2. I finally got to go to China with Wayne after talking it into existence for 3 years.
3. Bathroom finished in the basement! The boys can potty and shower downstairs!
4. Wayne cancer free after operation
5. I'm skin cancer free-- and no big scar
6. Laura got home from China with a blessing and a prayer so she could recover at home and not in ASIA
7. Got a new car...a Prias, that I love to drive.
8. 25th Anniversary cruise with my Wayne!
9. Sharkey's came from Scotland for an extended visit
10. New York Trip with Lindsey, Truman and Monson
( I can't stop at just 10-- I'm on a roll)
11. Great family and friends who love and support me and mine.
12. Testimony of the gospel and power of the priesthood grew and grew!
13. Grandma Butters is still alive and kicking
14. Addison got his college scholarship back...out of the blue
15. Truman made Student Body Officer at BHS and really enjoys it
16. Monson was soph football team captain, and is on the BHS basketball team too.
17. Laila learned to read!!!
18. Landon got a great job helping troubled kids at Beacon Heights Elementary school, in a lock down unit. He loves his job.
Okay...things are good. I actually started out this blog just thinking about the 10 worst things about this past year, and I couldn't do it. Once again, the good outweighed the bad.
Life is sweet.
On to 2009!
1 comment:
Not only do I LOVE reading your blogs, but I also love listening to Mercy by Duffy when I visit your page. It gets me in a dancing mood and I groove around the office/house. I love it!
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