Laila is FABULOUS in ANNIE--and I'm not just saying this because she is my daughter. She is really, really good.
Laila knows all of her lines, never misses a cue, speaks loudly and with appropriate emotion, knows the songs and dances, rarely searches the audience-even when she hears my laugh, and sings on pitch. All really amazing for any 6 year old.
It's been so fun to have this show at BHS so Laila can be in it with her brother's Truman and Monson. THey are good on stage too, by the way.
Laila loves the high school and loves the high school kids, particularly the boys. The kids are all so sweet and kind to her. It's a good thing she only weighs 40 pounds, because everyone wants to pick her up.
I love watching my boys perform too. They all look different-- light brown hair, red hair, dark brown hair, curly, straight. They really have never looked much like brothers. But, I can see myself and Wayne in them..... in the way they say certain things, or when they give me that "look." One has my eyes, another Wayne's smile... You get the idea.
Laila and I don't look alike AT ALL..., she's hispanic origin-- black curly hair, dark brown eyes and beautiful brown skin. I'm fake blonde, freckled and green eyed....but she always reminds me that "it's okay, because our hearts match."
When Laila is on stage doing her "thing" we look alike. I've been overwhelmed with this thought throughout rehearsal, but it really hit me on opening night. We resemble each other..... finally.
I've always felt that Laila and I were meant for each other....she was supposed to be in our family from the beginning. She is such a "Mamma's girl." She needs my shoulder to stop her tears and my song to get her to sleep at night. I love this little child of God, so much. I'm so glad we adopted her.
ANNIE is about an orphan being adopted by Daddy Warbucks. Laila loves this show. She loves that they find each other, and Annie gets to be in a family. She used to get teary watching it on the video, and snuggle up to me real tight, pet my cheek, and tell me how much she loved me.
I actually used the "ANNIE" tune for her "LAILA" song. I would sing this song over and over to her when she was just a babe. The boys learned it and would sing it to her too.
"Laila, Laila, Laila, look what you've done for us.
Laila, Laila, Laila, turned on the sun for us.
Since you came our way, it's Christmas! Christmas every day.
Oh, Laila you're gorgeous, funny, happy, adorable too. Oh Laila,
We all love you."
She would laugh, and smile and hug us tight.
ANNIE is a great show for our family, and a great reminder for me of how the Lord works. How he watches over us and knows our needs. He really brought me the "perfect" little theatre girl.
We, both love the stage. We, both love performing. We, both love the fun of the rehearsal and the joy of the audience.
We both love each other!
We finally look alike...and our hearts match!
Oh my momma, you had me crying---and that is really hard ya know! Haha. Love you.
Perfect! Your hearts do match. You both have the most beautiful hearts.
She really is amazing. It is so fun to watch her everywhere, but especially on stage. We are going to see it again so we can watch Laila!
Okay, tears here too. It is fun to see her on the stage...just like her mom she is a STAR!
Love ya
Tissues for me, too. That was beautiful, Melinda!
She's something special, all right! We all love her!
Melinda that was beautitul. We loved Annie because of Laila. She was perfect for that part. The boys were awesome too. We are so glad Laila is part of our Family.
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