I'm dreaming about Dove Dark Chocolate.
Not the individual dove dark Expressions-- those are too waxy, but the Dove Rich dark Chocolate candy bar-- break off a small chunk and savor it.
MMMM-- it's a good dream.
I have fond memories of wandering around NYC this past August with our good friends, the Belnaps. Eric loves dark chocolate as much as Wayne and I. It was fun to traipse through out our days, checking on Wayne's pedometer to see how far we had traveled-- and stopping every now and then in search of awesome dark chocolate.
We had Ghiradelli, Teuschers, Lindt, Godiva and Dove. Any little candy shop we would pass by, Eric would stop and ask for the "darkest", then share it with Wayne and me.
Eric likes it really dark and sometimes bitter.
I like it dark and smooth---
I love to just leave it on my tongue and have it slowly melt away....LOVE IT----it's mouth-gasmic!
(I don't know how else to explain it.)
The Dove Dark is excellent. Not expensive. Available in most stores. Really hits the spot.
We are getting ready to travel again with the Belnaps and I'm thinking we are not going to have the dark chocolate success in China that we had in NYC-- maybe I'll take my own stash.
The hardest part is sharing it.
Now back to my dreams......
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