Tuesday, October 7, 2008


I watched a difficult battle on Thursday, when I witnessed my soph son on the football field. BHS was playing it's cross town rival. Mons wanted to win desperately. It's all he talked about for week. Winning this game.
His team lost.
They played with little or no enthusiasm, and really couldn't get a break. IT was difficult to watch. I'm sure it was even harder for him to play. He never cries, but this night he did. My heart hurt. I know it's a character building moment, and life goes on. .
This is truly a minor battle in his life compared to what's ahead....but it means the world to him right now.

This made me think of other battles. ....

Every "bodies" battle is different.

I have the last 20 pounds that plague me. I know this is a mental battle. Mind over munching.

My friend has the battle of getting on the health highway to begin with. I tell her baby steps. It's hard to think about this all in one giant chunk. The end is too far out there. Just do it 2 to 3 weeks at a time. Think in this time span. Commit to this.

We win some and we lose some. We gain some and hopefully will be losing some soon.

Let the battle continue.

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