One of my besties Maure Tarbox directed this beautiful show. |

We opened A Christmas Carol Monday Nov. 20th.. And it’s been a fun project to be a part of. I have really enjoyed playing the Blind old hag – and the very dramatic, yet silent, Ghost of Christmas Future with my extra long pointy fingers and lights. In this version the blind old hag turns into the Ghost of Future. The Lamplighter turns into the Ghost of Past and the Sandwich board man turns into the Ghost of Present. By the end of the show when Scrooge shows kindness to all of us- we know our job is done and I'm miraculously healed-- no more Blind or old... just a hag ( haha)Many people can’t find me on stage because I’m so disguised. I love that this Christmas Carol version is mostly music and comparatively short – 90 minutes! I like performing on the Egyption Theatre stage. The cast is very talented- and after a slow start we finally gelled and really like each other. AND I like that now I live in Layton it’s only 16 minutes away. We are only single cast and we have had sickness go through the cast, flu, covid, colds– we are all masked up off stage. We had 8 shows total. I have had a lot of family and friend support– which is so nice.

The kids made the longest chain during th shows that they presented to Nick Cash- he plays Marley.
Lady and Elsie |
This is my Fezziwig outfit. We learned the whole Fezziwig dance with Nick Cash as my partner then realized that Nick needed to be getting back into his Marley ghost costume for the next scene-- so we only did the beginning and then bugged out. Marley was woven in and out of the whole show which was a cool idea. |
Me, Darin Beardal and Maren Messerly as the GHOSTS |
John Philpott played a great Scrooge. This was his first time playing this part and he was determined to get it right.
As the ghost of Christmas Future I didn't say anything but I swished and swooshed around the stage and made things appear and disappear. It was a fun part.
Wanee, Me, Nick Cash, Bret Garlick and Holly |
Linda Wangsgaard, Me, Janet Webster, Leslie Leger and Angela. |
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