We have had the most glorious fall. The colors of the leaves were intense. It was so incredible to see and be in.
Wayne has loved UTAh football. He got to use Belnaps tickets and take friend Dave Stuart to a game and Alfie was their with the Inkleys and he came down to the front row to watch with Papa.

I helped my Si Foster friend at Pinners conference. Si is amini celebrity and it's a joy to see how many people she has influenced with her cook book and cooking skills as she shared her talents. I got to spend a day with my other frinds Kathleen Blake and Mel Evans...so that's nice too.
Met up for brunch with cousins Krystin and Cindy to catch up on all the family things.
Wayne has started to make Sour dough bread. He's bough ALL the things, took lessons from Eric Belnap, read all of the articles and seen the youtube videos and he is becoming an expert.... seriously so delicious!
The Ed Sheeran concert in Las Vegas was fun... we went with the Belnaps and the Farleys and ran ito our frinds Lexi and Sami Edgar...
We were freezing, so we all bought Ed Sheeran Sweatshirts before the concert-this turned out to be a good decision.
Laila and Markus had the marine ball. All dressed up and looking fine. Laila got braids put ack into her 3-inch hair-- it took 12 hours!! she was tired for the ball, but looked gorgeous.
Andrew finished up band season. Viewmont does a decent job and Andrew loves playing his trumpet in it. They took 5th out of 13 5A schools at state.
I had teacher meetings in St. George. Once again so grateful to be with this team of educators. We are missing one ( Andrew Charleton) ... Front row: Pauls Finlinson, Julie Morales, Tara Criddle, Annett Eiting, Summer Johnson, Laura Belnap. Back row: Marianne Shaheen, Jessica Everett, Jen Larsen, Julie Baggaley, Brooke Brown, Mindee Taylor, Deanne Stratton, Me, Megan Johnston and Hollie Bybee.
Tayla was in her first Centerpoint Academy production. It was a musical review and she sang and danced her heart out. She's only in 2nd grade and she's in the 3-6 class....so she's the youngest on stage and she does great! Tayla had to try out to be with this group and she was very practiced and confident. She is really tall-- 4'7"-- so everyone thinks she is older. I loved the family support for this event.