I can’t say he had a great life….. and at times I get caught up in the thought that we failed him…. But, I do know that his parents loved him and were the best parents for this boy.
My nephew Preston took his life last Sunday. We are all heart broken.Preston did not do this earth life easily or well.Born with severe eczema and psoriasis- which is an auto immune disorder- His skin was always hurting him. It was cracked and bleeding from birth with little relief. Hands, elbows, eyelids, ankles.. any crevice was raw and bloody. He was involved in so many medical studies and therapies to help alleviate his pain. He shed his skin at night and had to have his sheets changed daily. You could scoop up handfuls of dead skin cells. Lotion hurt to be put on. Water was not his friend yet he loved boating, swimming at Grandma Butters pool, waterskiing (like his dad) and tubing.Because of his skin condition he was shunned by his peers. No one wanted to share a desk or be his partner at activities or play with him at recess. This is hard on a kid. He got in trouble a lot lashing out at kids who were bugging him.Preston had a great advocate in his Grandma Sheri. She was his biggest fan. He spent many mornings and after school times at her home while Angela and Guy worked. Mom was great at pumping him up. It was difficult for Preston when she left this world.For Preston’s 6th grade year - he was at my home by 7 am. I didn't know how to help him but I wanted him to know I loved him, and said so every morning as I sent he and Laila off to school telling them to be eagles and rise above the turkeys (kids) who pull you down. Laila was good for Preston. She’s an empathetic soul but it was wearing on her seeing how he was treated. And she had her own pre-teen issues and couldn’t be all that Preston needed.
Preston was that kid in school who turned over desks and kicked doors and broke windows. He was suffering- and as a teacher I'm like-- remove him from the class but as his aunt - I say show some compassion and work with him. It's really hard to know what to do around all of this.
Preston turned into himself— he pretended to be a squirrel for years in grade school complete with paws up by his face. He watched the squirrel from "Over the Hedge" and loved his "mommy cookie." He was a Scotsman/ Irishman complete with accent for two straight years from 8th to 10th grade and finally he wanted to go by Zark. This was his altar ego. He grew his hair out long and blonde. Stopped smiling or acknowledging people. He had some dark times. He even wore a trench coat and refused to talk to anyone. He was angry and hurting.The one bright spot was his relationship with his parents. Guy and Angela were as devoted as they come. They went to so many specialists to find some answers for his skin. Spent a ton of money. They supported him in his art and music endeavors. They got him involved in Mustang cars and club( like his dad) They took him camping and motorcycling and watched movies with him, played games. Preston loved playing card games. They hung out with him. Encouraging him and loving on him even though he was sooooo stubborn.Angela said, “ He was an a- hole much of the time , but he was MY a-hole.”Preston loved spending time at Bear Lake. It was his happy place. He would drive his RC car up and down the beach doing g cool things and getting awesome pics.Preston went to a tech school half way through his Junior year and finished his senior high school year early. He was a smart kid.