Nov 5/6. Long flights. Traveled with Eric and Laura Belnap and Mark Buckley. Not much sleep. Got to Tel Aviv with a sunset out the plane window. Great buffet. Good bread. Room was ?!? Sketch—. There was a 7 day pill box with pills in it under my pillow hmmm?!? Were the sheets changed?!? Hotel bathroom was efficient meaning small. I could sit on toilet and wash face at same time.
First view of Israel from airplane window. |
Mediterranean Sea. Wayne dipped his feet in.
View from out Hotel window in Tel Aviv |
Writing on our hotel room door. You know you are in a foreign country when you can't read one word. |
Types of food we will be eating for breakfast, lunch and dinner the rest of the trip. |
Sketch pillbox found under my pillow. |
Nov 7. Off to Galilee! I left my phone in the room. Had to turn the bus around to get it. Also Wayne’s kindle. I was “that” person.
Stopped in Caesarea. The theatre was cool and all of the construction that Herod did. One lady (Sherri Walsh) got lost and we had to go find her. The funny part is she was wearing a red and white striped shirt like Where’s Waldo. Our tour guide, Jim Gee, has this habit of asking us questions as he talks and then answering his own questions. It’s a funny habit. “ And the time for dinner is what? 7”. Or “ Herod created the aqueducts for what? Water”. “Peter had a wife and therefore what? Children.”
Statues outside theatre at Ceasaria |
Theatre that's over 2000 years old |
"Ruins at the ruins" |
Herod's amazing seaside palace |
Eric and Laura Belnap |
Mark Buckley |
Jim Gee |
Wayne and Mark atop the aqueduct system that brought drinking water from the mountain springs |
We went to Mount Carmel-. Other Christians there from Philippines and Nigeria praising loudly. Like a spiritual duel with loud prayers calling down fire from heaven like Elijah did. So fascinating to watch. The view was awesome.
Mount Carmel cathedral |
View from Mount Carmel |
Elisha striking down the 400 priests of bahl. |
Armageddon ruins |
Chariot racing? |
Wayne thought he was so funny being in a manger.. |
So many cheeses for breakfast... |
And then on to Armageddon. We wandered in the ruins. We were ruins among the ruins. Wayne got inspired and sat on a stone manger— “A Wayne in a manger” possible Christmas card?
We have laughed a ton. We got great seats in the back of the bus right by exit door.
Our second hotel room is so much nicer than the first. We have a big double hot tub in the middle of our gigantic room. And a fruit basket. We are in Tiberius and Sea of Galilee.
Nov 8. Off early to the Mount where the Beatitudes were given. Beatific place owned by Franciscans. Toured a church built in this compound by Mussolini.
Laura my dearest friend |
Loaves and Fishes floor in Capernaeum |
Mount of the Beatitudes |
Chapel that Mussolini built after WW1 |
Mount of the Beatitudes |
Good Morning in Hebrew is “Bo-ker Tov”.
Sea of Galilee. Waded into and found heart rocks while listening about Christ coming to Peter after the resurrection. “ Peter. Lovest though me?” Sea of Galilee and surrounding shore line really does look like Bear Lake. Elder Holland told us this years ago and now I know it’s true.
Sea of Galilee- walking on I mean in the water |
Got on a boat and sailed across the sea. Started with boat people raising an American flag and all of us standing and singing the National anthem. Then Listened about Jesus calming the waters. Walking on the waters. Wayne told the group about how the song “Master the tempest is raging” was written for those who are struggling and losing their faith. Then we all sang this hymn. I got to lead it and cry through it. I got choked up. It was surreal singing this hymn in the actual place where Jesus calmed the sea. It was an out of body experience.
Sea of Galilee boat ride |
Singing on the ship, "Master the Tempest is Raging" |
Sea of Galilee Looks like Bear Lake |

a COIN in a fish's mouth...just like the one Peter found. |
2000 year old boat found in the sea of Galilee...rescued |
Ate great food - fish from the waters of Galilee at David’s Harp restaurant. Wayne had a full fish to eat and placed a shekel in its mouth. It was a miracle. Haha
Went to Capernum where Jesus taught in a synagogue. “ Peter upon this rock I will build my church “. Our guide started out ok then got in a tangent against the youth of today and how he’s afraid for his grand kids future. And how scouts etc. is still needed. How kids don’t know how to set goals and on and on. I couldn’t take any more. So I just said , “ if he doesn’t stop talking I’m going to punch him” and silently left the synagogue and took my ear bud out. 4 others walked out with me. We were all rolling our eyes. Wayne stayed and raised his hand and offered a different perspective and praised the youth and said “we don’t need to save anyone. We have a Savior for that. We don’t need to fear. ” I’m so proud of him for standing up for truth and righteousness!
Wayne saves the day and stands up the the YSA's |
Peter statue |
Magdala |
More sites. A synagogue in Magdala. Where Mary Magdalene was born. I’ve seen one too many rock foundations. If I was an archeologist I would be excited. I’m not. I want more Jesus and feeling in this place.
Ended at the River Jordan and many people were getting baptized. This place is all commercialized. Pay to be baptized etc. I could get jaded about it. But really I’m impressed with people’s devotion to Christ and wanting this to be part of their life. So that’s cool.
The River Jordan |
Gerald Lund, Me, Wayne, Laura and Eric Belnap at the river Jordan |
So many people waiting to be baptized in the same place Jesus was. |
Nov 9. Up early off to Jerusalem many stops along the way. Mount Tabor. At the Mount of Transfiguration there was a little church choir singing. “I have decided to follow Jesus. No turning back. No turning back. “. Very sweet, teary 🥲 experience here.
Mount Tabor- Mount of Transfiguration |
Cathedral on top of the mount |
Laura and Eric Belnap |
Mark Buckley and Laura |
Looking out from the Mount |
Nazareth village. Like a reenactment village. It sat on the site of an old vineyard and wine press. Our guide was so fun and dynamic. When we got to the synagogue and the tale of Jesus speaking “ this is the day when the law has been fulfilled“. It was very spiritual. Could feel the Holy Ghost testify to me of the truthfulness of this.
Sorting olives |
Olive tree and Olive harvest |
Shepherd with his sheep |
Showing us how the olives are ground |
A light shines in the nooks |
Two wisemen |
Driving to Jerusalem. Then here for 5 nights.
Hotel just outside the Damascus gate of the old city. Wayne, Mark and I wandered into the walled city for a bit. Most closed down but we did find Diet Coke and Magnum ice cream bars. These bars are now mine and Mark’s quest.
We found the Via Dolorosa the Jesus walked down carrying his cross. |
View from our Hotel.. at the Old City of Jerusalem |
McDonalds in Jerusalem |
Nov 10. The Temple Mount. We walked for hours every nook and cranny of the Temple Mount. Big group pic by the dome of the rock. Saw THE place where the Holy of Holies dwelt - Nibley said this place marks the “ beginning of the earth”. I am literally walking where Jesus walked. There are so many cats. At Pool of Bethesda sang “How Great thou Art”in St Anne church. Heard the story of lame man , “ Take up your bed and walk.”
Mark and Wayne looking down into the Pool of Bethesda |
Leading "How Great Thou Art" at St. Anne's church at the Pools of Bethesda site |
Wandered through Muslim, Christian and Jewish quarters in the walled city. Church of the Holy Sepulcher-- where they believed Jesus tomb was.
Outside church of Holy Sepulchre...where Catholics believe Christ was crucified. |
The place was JAM packed full of Christian believers. |
Lena and Gerald Lund sitting on the temple steps |
Whole group resting on the Temple Steps |
View from our Hotel..right across the street- Old Jerusalem wall..and street under construction. |
Mark and Wayne having fresh squeezed Pomegranate juice |
Shawarma-- basically a pita wrap sandwich. |
Saw bar mitzvahs taking place. So much celebrating. Sang “Hava Nagila “ and clapped along. Lots of rabbis with blue and white balloons.
Looking from the temple steps off to Jerusalem |
I'm beat... so much walking! |
Jim explaining how large the temple stones were... it's incredible that they were moved in place over 2000 years ago and remain today. |
Quarry tour to see underground excavations of where Pilate washed his hands of Christ.
Whole group on the Temple Mount with Dome of the Rock behind us. |
Dereck Dobson
Brian and Diane Decker
Bob and Sherrie Walsh
Peggy and David Earl ( From Washington, On way to a mission in Sao Paolo)
Scott and Liz Robinson (Arizona)
Andrea and Eric Larson
Michelle and Sean Dixon
Kim and Rick Johnson
Lee and Shelly Johnson
Jenean and Randy Steck
Devin and Tiffany Rhoton
Lena and Gerald Lund
Ryan and Valli Nield
Shawna and Lester Essig
Goates and Hills
Brad and Judy
Ray and Jenna (Texas)
The western wall |
The Dome of the Rock... where Mohammed ascended to heaven. |
Standing on the first earth that was ever made... |
Security guards have to follow Jewish people around on the Temple Mount to avoid conflict since the Muslims run it. |
Learning about where Christ was sentenced by Pilate |
Original stone that Christ must have walked on. |
The Wailing Wall. - Western Wall. Put a prayer into a crack on the women’s side. Touched this thousands of years old wall. It was emotional seeing so many believers and mourners crying to their God to help and bless.
At the Western Wall, putting prayers in for our families. |
Laura, Me and Sherry Walsh |
Red circle is where I stuffed my prayer |
Tours. Underground tunnels and bridges with a great, dynamic guide. We walked for 10 Miles today. Aye yay yay!! There are so many CATS in the old city.
Nov 11. We got there bright and early. Hezekiah's tunnel was so interesting. This is how they channeled water in the the walled city of Jerusalem. We had to walk it Narrow and bent over most of the way. Fresh water at our feet. Felt like Disneyland.
At the end of the tunnel there were people bathing in the holy water. |
Top of mountain Jericho road. Listened to Good Samaritan parable and Mary and Martha sermon by Gerald Lund. I sat at his feet and listened to the Master preach. Got a white cotton Bedouin head dress from a real Bedouin. He showed me how to wrap it.
Kim Johnson and Melinda |
Bedoin Man dressed us and then of course I bought the scarf. |
Can see the Monastery across the way to commemorate the site of the Good Samaritan. |
Sitting at Gerald Lund's feet while he talks of the Good Samaritan story and also the Mary and Martha story. |
Off to the West Bank. Jericho. Where Joshua fit the battle. Oldest evidence of building here 9000 bc.
Air conditioner on the bus we thought has been broken for three days and then someone showed us how to turn the dial and turn it on. We thought we were sacrificing by sitting there. Actually just stupid.
Jimmy’s for lunch. Of rice. Chicken. And yogurt and greens. Then shopping in the Palestinian olive wood store- Jimmys. Wayne got a large statue of Jesus carrying g a lamb its shoulders. I got a widow’s mite necklace that George the Jeweler made just for me. It’s a gold surround and gold chain. “Georgie Porgie pudding pie kiss the girls and made them BUY!”
George made my widow's mite necklace. I could find silver everywhere, but no gold, so he made me a gold one. |
Wayne got the Olive wood carving of Jesus and the Lamb |
Orthodox Jewish men rushing to Shabbat in their finest. |
Back to the western wall for Shabbat-/. All Jewish people in their finest dress running to the wall to start their sabbath. Big Fur hats. Singing and dancing. So many interesting sites, shopping and food.
Gerry Lund Fireside on doctrine determines discipleship. I felt compelled by the spirit and sang Via Dolorosa to the group. “Do not try and do suffering alone”
Nov 12. Garden of Gethsemane morning. Can feel the peace and spirit here strongly. I can’t stop crying. My bosom is burning. Sacred Grove type experience. Sang: vs 1. “I stand all amazed”. (And I am!!) with full group. Then all found our private spot in the garden to pray and meditate and share testimony. We were the only ones there. Peaceful and very special.
Eric, Laura, Mark, Wayne, Melinda |
Praying in the Garden of Gethsemane |
Theme for this trip - and my pilgrimage is “I have decided to follow Jesus. No turning back. No turning back. “
Finished singing, “I stand all amazed” v 2 and 3 in a little quiet huddle with Eric and Laura, Wayne and I and Mark Buckley. So many tears. He suffered for me “so rebellious and proud as I. “
Eric Bore testimony. Told time of searching for Christ. Then the Song “Redeemer of Israel”washed over him. We stood in small circle and sang it.
Church at the Jerusalem center. So full of LDS bus groups. I brought my baby-hand so that's fun. Talks on For Strength of Youth. RS pres. shared about finding things on the side of the road to answer their prayers while setting up her house and living here in Jerusalem. A broom. A tv etc…. So powerful. God is in the details.
Baby hand at the BYU center |
Golgotha. The skull mount is at a bus station. It’s weird. I can hear Jesus saying , “ of course it is, why wouldn’t it be?” Our Welsh pastor guide Stewart- bore his testimony and it was compelling. Jesus did this for us 100%. We don’t need to do anything except believe. I felt the spirit testify to me it is true. I shut my eyes and in the sunshine shadowy vision I saw was Jesus. The Garden Tomb was very sweet. I know this is where Jesus lay. I know it’s true. We sang “There is a green Hill far away” and “He is Risen. “
The Garden Tomb |
Two Wise men. |
Lookin in the tomb |
Stewart our guide |
Golgatha, the bus station in the back ground our Hotel- the Golden Walls |
What Golgotha looked like 100 years ago... can see the skull face clearly. |
The tomb picture...has a Jesus looking shadow in it. Eric Larson, in our group took this picture. |
Gerald Lund gave another beautiful sermon. The stone was rolled away not because Jesus needed out but because we needed to see in. Come in to Jesus!
Seriously I have cried tears of joy and testimony all day. Why did I even put on makeup?!?
When take off and fold our temple clothes remember Jesus folded napkin and linen when the tomb was empty.
Off to see the shepherds fields. Lunch at a wonderful restaurant overlooking the hillside. We sang Christmas carols as we walked along.
Statue of Shepherd and Sheep at Shepherds fields. |
Can see the caves in the mountain where Shepherds put their sheep at night. |
Inside of a cave. |
Today was the day I’ve been longing for since the moment we stepped foot into Israel. Gethsemane and the Garden tomb did not disappoint. Now if I can remember this burning in my bosom and feeling spiritually full all the days of my life.
Jesus is our Messiah or loving brother, kind friend, the Prince of Peace, Savior, Redeemer of my soul and giver of all good things.
I have decided to follow Jesus. No turning back. No turning back.
Nov 13 Masada was amazing archeologically and story wise. Then we saw where the Dead Sea scrolls were found and off to float in the Dead Sea.
My first Camel |
Date palm trees |
Dead sea scrolls found in this cave. |
Masada-- Herod's fortress that he never stayed in. |
The dead sea |
It was an easy floating experience. It’s wild to have your feet straight down and raise your arms above your head and just be there without sinking. Very salty. (And my nether- regions were burning!! ) Glad I did it though.
Mud on our bodies to exfoliate |
We’ve been in and out of the old Jerusalem city many times. It is a labyrinth but Wayne is really good at these maze cities. Our hotel is perfectly located to do this. We went in many times to find Diet Coke ( you can find Coke Zero everywhere) and magnum ice cream bars. The pistachio rolls ( like baklava) off the streets were delicious. It’s interesting to see so many children working at the shops and on the streets.
cars the old city. |
Magnum Bars |
Vegetable market |
The hotel food was ok. Some of the same foods over and over and not really good bread which made us sad. We got really tired of it.
We all played find your relatives on the family tree app. My closest people were my Wayne of course - He’s my third cousin. I also had a Rick Johnson as a third cousin.
Nov 14. Bethany and Lazarus tomb.
Mount of Olives. And walked Jesus Palm triumphal entry into Jerusalem path. Stopped at Orson Hyde park. Where dedicated Jerusalem. A stone monument was misspelled so our guide said, “ If you carve something in Stone you want to do what? proofread it” Jim Gee says the funniest things although he isn’t trying to be funny.
One Nation church. Built after WW1 with the old old olive trees around it called witness trees.
Inside One Nation Church |
Traffic and crowds are horrible today. Having to miss some things because of it. We really have lucked out for a week but not today.
Orson Hyde dedicatory park |
Jewish Graveyard... they put rocks on the stone coffin when they visit |
So many people walking the Palm Sunday road |
Beggar man |
misspelled Stone |
Off to Caiaphus palace where Jesus was first brought to be tried. Saw the pit/ jail where he was held in between Caiaphas and Pilate. Scriptures tell of this - Jesus being in a pit and in the mire. I had never thought about this. On a side note. There were a ton of people here all squished into small spaces. One of our group was falsely accused of pushing a woman down. A lot of hubbub and screaming over nothing. It was distracting. This is also where Peter denied Christ 3 times. Spencer Kimball said that Christ told him to do it so Peter would live and be around to further the church. So it was a command not a foreshadowing.
Pit where they put Jesus |
Touching the Jesus door |
Statue: Peter deny me three times and the cock on the top of it. |
Went to lunch at a group restaurant- same food again. It started raining and we all left our rain gear on the Pashmina's were passed out to cover our heads... I saved the scarf and used the plastic bag on my head instead. I'm silly like that.
We’ve basically had the same food for 5 days- breakfast lunch and dinner. I’m sick of it. Good thing for ice cream and magnum bars every day to break it up.
It’s been a crazy traffic day. Couldn’t get to The upper room— it is officially located where the crusaders say it was but scholars know it is close by this. Didn’t make it to the Israel museum either. Oh well. It was still a very gratifying day. Off to the airport and sitting for 7 hours before plane leaves. Had McDonald’s at the airport— delicious fries. Ahhhh.
Can’t wait to sleep in my own bed.
Israel is not so much what you see while you’re there - which is thousands of years old- it’s more about what you feel while you’re there and I just felt a lot closer to my Savior. I felt like this is real and not just a story that I’ve read my whole life. It has really connected me to the whole Jesus timeline and increased my testimony. You don’t have to go to Israel for this but I’m grateful for the opportunity. Check it off my bucket list. What’s next??
Dereck Dobson
Brian and Diane Decker
Bob and Sherrie Walsh
Peggy and David Earl ( From Washington, On way to a mission in Sao Paolo)
Scott and Liz Robinson (Arizona)
Andrea and Eric Larson
Michelle and Sean Dixon
Kim and Rick Johnson
Lee and Shelly Johnson
Jenean and Randy Steck
Devin and Tiffany Rhoton
Lena and Gerald Lund
Ryan and Valli Nield
Shawna and Lester Essig
Goates and Hills
Brad and Judy
Ray and Jenna (Texas)
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