Pie Party at Call’s home. Megan out did herself again… making 17 pies and a huge Bread pudding!! We could start calling this the Bread Pudding party since we love it so much. Maybe it’s the rum sauce we love? I could drink it. We had a good turn out of family and friends. The 20 people I invited all came: The Edgars and Bob and Kimi Farley, the Tim and Linda, Add and Bre family and Landon and Alex. So happy to be doing this again after the no nothing events of 2020
Bread pudding with Rum sauce |
Melinda, Linda and Kimi |
Linda loves the bread pudding so much she's obsessed. |
Alex, Landon and Wayne peeling potatoes |
THANKSGIVING dinner at Landon and Alex’s. They set up 4 tables of 8 to seat us all..and the tables were decorated beautifully. We had my side of the family there… Ang, Guy and Preston, Liz and Al, Adam, Christine, Jenna, Aaron, and Kas Cole, Me and Wayne, Monson, Lexi, Tayla, Lady, Elsie, Laila, Tru, Wayne and I...and Gary, Megan, Hayden,- girlfriend Laura, Nelson, and Andrea Call. Alex and Landon...Alex’s parents Sonia and Alan and best friends, Paula and Eric. It was quite a crew. We ate all of the basics…. Had the dog show on in the background and then silent football ( just like Dad always watched it) with the Raiders vs. Cowboys... Liz and Adam’s teams playing. It was fun. We all ate too much… and probably won’t feel hungry again till February. Everyone hung out from noon til after 5 ...then clean up and off to movies etc.
My sibs! |
Liz and Landon |
Elsie Playing Drive through through the windows |
Lady is selling tacos |
Gary's plate has banana cream pie and brussel sprouts with bacon |
Monson and Lexi fam met up with Add and Bre fam and went to Kaysville theatre and saw "Rons Gone Wrong. " … They said it was darling, about friendship and connecting.
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