Tuesday, July 6, 2021

4th of July weekend

I love America!  Those on the far-left think everything is bad here and it all stinks. . . And the far-right think that if you criticize anything about America it's treason and you should just leave. 

I agree with these sentiments:

I love the USA. I love what it stands for. The promises of “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness” and “liberty and justice for all” are promises that inspire me. They’re promises that make this a place I am proud to live in.
I also recognize that America has fallen short of her promises time and time again. “Liberty and justice for all” has not been achieved for people of all races, sexes, and sexual orientation.
While the words of the constitution were penned millions were in bondage, and millions more couldn’t vote, own land, or hold a job.
As we moved forward past slavery, as women’s suffrage was realized, and after LGBT+ marriage was legalized it can be said that America has achieved great victories for her people.
It still cannot be said, however, that the work is done.
If you belong to a minority group that required an act of Congress to allow you to vote, or marry, or hold a job I understand why you are angry. I understand why you want change, and I do too.
The question that I believe to be most important however is this: Though the American people and our leaders have fallen short time and time again, are the ideals of America still worth pursuing? Is the underlying idea of the United States a good one? Is “liberty and justice for all” what you believe in?
I believe the original concepts outlined in the constitution are just and good. I believe we can work together to help America keep her promises. I want liberty and justice not just for America but for all of God's people.

 The 4th of July weekend was FULL of events.  When it's on the weekend it means 3 days of scattered fun.  We celebrated on the 4th and the 5th.   Sunday we had a family BBQ to celebrate America and Landon's birthday which is July 7th.   We had Freedom Franks, and potato salad, green salad, Brazilian rice, beans and pico, chips, Mexican corn, watermelon, and berry trifle.  

We love our Landon!  He is a glue for our family.  He's so kind and loving and always up for any plan.  Landon is easy to talk to and everyone goes to Landon to share a problem or get some advice.  

We had a family movie on Sunday at the Kaysville Theater.  Occasionally the Calls do this.  It's really awesome.  We had Gary, Megan and Hayden...then Adam's family and Addison's fam, Landon's fam and me and Wayne attend.  We get drinks and popcorn and we watched "Dream Horse."    

Wayne and I went for a Sunset walk on Sunday night and the sunset was glorious! Another fun part of my Freedom weekend was watching "Hamilton" again on Disney Plus. 

Monday I went on a sunrise hike with Linda Wangsgaard and Wayne went on a 41-mile bike ride with 12 of his Biking buddies.  I had to get up at 5:15 but it was well worth it.    This meant that both of us needed a nap by noon.  Later we went back to a private showing of "Spies in Disguise" at the Kaysville theatre for Monson's fam, me and Wayne.  Two Kaysville showings in two days...so fun! It's great having the theatre to ourselves so the littles can run around and scream and it doesn't bother anyone. 

We had our YSA FHE of kickball and pizza...and of course, a water fight ensued.  Bishop Wayne got soaked. 

We finished off our evening with firework watching off of Monson and Lexi's back deck.  They have an amazing view.  You can see from Layton clear up to North Salt Lake.  So we saw so many fireworks going off across the valley, including Layton city.   Monson's block away neighbor put on an over an hour show of aerial fireworks.  They own a firework stand and were probably just using up the supply since this year is a drought year and not as many people participated in fireworks.  IT was beautiful. 

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