My sweet Aunt Lynette Poulter passed away Feb 3, and her funeral was Feb 5th. She never wanted a funeral, a viewing or to be embalmed...just put her in a pine box in the backyard. Well...she got some of her wishes.. no embalming, and no viewing which is why the funeral happened so quickly. Funerals in the time of Covid are different. It was very intimate and very careful to keep Uncle Lynn well.
Lynette was a wonderful aunt and second mother to me. I spent countless hours at her home growing up--and always felt loved and accepted. She had a deep testimony of the gospel and the importance of family. Lynette was many things my mom wasn’t…..She was funny, sarcastic, ready for adventure, sporty, a great organizer and lived in such a creative, inspiring home.
Levi said, “If you want to know what Lynette was like look at her sarcastic, funny daughters and her kind, gentle-hearted sons.” I would agree.
Poulter bunch: Leigh and Levi, Craig and Paisley, Brent and Jenny, Uncle Lynn, Mike and Krystin Gunnar and Tori, Becky and Zac Poulter
The funeral was so GOOD….with all of her children talking about her, and sharing their sweet and funny memories. Levi shared about the unconditional love especially when he came out after his mission. Paisley shared about how her momma wanted to be a cowboy and had cowboy boots in the closet, Paisley wore those boots at the funeral. Gunnar shared about how he gave his mom a Cross necklace, thinking it was a “T” for terrific and she wore it proudly and still had it in her jewelry box. Jenny shared about how no nonsense Lynette was. Jenny always had long hair until 9 years old, when she refused to have it combed, so Lynette just walked over with scissors when Jenny was at the counter and cut off her long pony tail. Zac shared how hard he had it as a little kid-- so many issues and his mom made it all awesome at home, so he didn’t notice it so much. Krystin shared about what a good support Lynette was and the time they took tap dance together just for fun a few years back. The Zac Poulter girls did two gorgeous musical numbers. Brooklyn and her husband sang, “Unforgettable” and then Becky, Normandy, Sicily and McKenna sang,, “Be Still my soul.” Zac designed the funeral program..and had many pictures of Lynette down the side from ages 12 to 61. I was so grateful to attend. Wayne, Gary and I drove down to Salem, because we just Had to be there.
The COLES have always loved the POULTERS-- we grew up together and mom and Lynette were close sisters, so most every holiday was spent together and so many summer swim days at Grandma Butters. My one solo vacation each summer was a week at the Poulter home.
My Uncle Lynn turned 80 years a few weeks ago... this would be Lynette's 80th year as well, and their 60th wedding anniversary. Lynn and Lynette were very devoted to each other. He is heartbroken because is Queen is gone. He is suffering with Parkinson's and his whole left side doesn't work.
Zac did the funeral program... he's so creative and I love the pictures of Lynette down the side from age 12 to 61. Lynn dedicated the gravesite.
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