#16. There are many Holiday traditions I am grateful for— fam Costume party, Pie party, Thanksgiving movie, Gratitude circle, Lights on party, Christmas fancy dinner, Christmas Eve- Around the world, Caroling, New Years Seafood brunch …and the goal for all of these events is good family togetherness… and making memories. Yes, traditions take work. Yes not everyone is “on board”. We carry on anyway. Traditions are important and it’s good to keep that in mind when you’re doing all of the things.
#17. I’m grateful for my Utahonline teacher job. It’s been a blessing to me and for me. I love my commute… which is basically my bedroom to my family room. I love the teachers and admin. I work with; they are so willing to help and want everyone to succeed. I love the parents and students I come in contact with; they are trying their best to make a new education model work for their families. Becoming a teacher so many decades ago has really served my life.
#18. What trait most grateful for? Non- judgmental. I work on coming from a place of curiosity and compassion for all. Even for Donald Trump.
#19. I’m grateful for good, inspiring teachers. The reason I went into teaching is because I had teachers who I wanted to emulate- Bryan Bowles and Kim Burningham to name a few.
My grade school teachers were all good but Mrs. Bosch, and Mrs. Lindsey I especially loved.
When I entered Millcreek Jr. High my eyes were opened to real, invested teaching. It was a Robin Williams standing on the desk experience when I walked into Marg Daniels’ classroom. She started each day with us standing and shouting an affirmation until she believed it… “I feel happy. I feel healthy. I feel enthusiastic.” I still remember the frenzy of 8th graders. I had Mrs. Daniels for two different classes. Spanish and Speech/Drama. She made learning fun and doable. I felt seen as a person not just another student. ( I even served as a helper to clear tables at her wedding reception along with another handful of girls.)
When she announced a Mexico trip for Spanish students at the end of our 9th-grade year I was all in. I knew we couldn’t afford it, so I went door to door selling cards, I babysat, and I taught beginning dance classes and cleaned offices. I was making the money to go on this trip.
It was life-changing. I went with my besties- Kaye Cushing, Malinda Bean. It’s where I saw my friend Malinda stand up and share her testimony of Jesus in a Catholic monastery in Mexico City. It’s where I saw real poverty for the first time. It’s where I felt my first taste of independence and deciding who I was going to be when not under the watchful eye of my parents. I only went on this trip because Mrs. Daniels was in charge and I wanted to be around her. I also became a teacher because of her influence.
#20. I’m grateful for a Prophet who leads and guides my church. Pres. Nelson is the man for this time. I can’t imagine being in charge of a 16 million-strong- worldwide church organization but he does it with a calm and steady, loving influence. His message today was on the power of prayer and gratitude. Human brains are designed to look for what’s wrong- to keep us safe - and we can always find it. It’s easy to find something to be irritated, disappointed, or worried about and to focus our energy there. But why? What good will that do? Our work is to stay in gratitude and have compassion and curiosity about others, our world, and ourselves. I’m so thankful for a prophet who prays for me, for my family and yours, for our communities, for our nation, and for the world!
#21. I’m grateful I learned this Ralph Waldo Emerson quote was a sophomore in Bryan Bowles’ Speech Class — It has stayed with me my entire life. I think about it and repeat it often. “Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm.” Enthusiasm stems from the Greek word that means “being one with God.” I believe the happiest, most interesting people are those who have found the secret to maintaining their enthusiasm about life and love by staying close to God.
#22… My 5 senses that keep me in the present. They help me to cherish moments by stopping, to pause and appreciate them.
I ask: What do I see right now? What do I hear right now? What do I touch right now? What do I smell right now? What can I taste right now?
#23. I’m thankful for Thanksgiving memories. My mom always set up her mom’s Thanksgiving tablescape the night before Thanksgiving. Growing up I got to be part of this setup at my Grandma Butters’ home and then we got to eat a piece or two of pumpkin pie as the reward. Grandpa Butters always said pie tasted better on an empty stomach. He was right. This night before pie-eating tradition morphed into an actual pie party in 1976 with my mom making too many apple, berry, peach, mincemeat, banana cream, coconut cream, cherry, and my favorite - pumpkin pies and inviting EVERYONE to come eat and celebrate. This tradition continues to this day. When mom and dad went on their Scotland mission my sister Marcie took over the pie party. Since her passing her daughter Megan makes the pie party happen.
This year there will be no big party but we will eat a piece or two of pie and remember Grandma, Mom, and Marcie with each bite.
#24. I marvel at the little things.
I ran to TJ Maxx to get some clear glasses since I’m setting a small Thanksgiving table and I wanted all the glassware to match. The check out lady was obviously in training and doing her best to work the register, say all of the nice things and get the bag size correct. It was a process. It made me smile, although you couldn’t see that under my mask. Her trainer was being so patient. As I exited a stranger held the door open for me and wished me a good day. At Maverick the worker got me lime packets.
I marvel at the kindness shared… it’s polite..it’s good manners and I appreciate it.
#25 I love my Christmas decorations this year… I’m going with a colorful, rainbow theme and it is feeling fresh and fun! Rainbows lead me to thinking of LGBTQ community. It was one I never thought I would find myself in, but I am richly blessed by it. Because of LGBTQ family members, I feel like I love bigger, and I’ve learned how to drop my own agendas and just honor people on their journey. I have more compassion and curiosity and less judgment. I have new eyes to see those on the margins. I understand privilege more than I ever have before. I’m working on making our church culture more inclusive, safe, and welcoming. I’m grateful for what I’ve learned by being a part of this world- it’s been good and it’s been hard and I’m here for all of it.
"We sometimes think that being grateful is what we do after our problems are solved, but how terribly shortsighted that is. How much of life do we miss by waiting to see the rainbow before thanking God that there is rain? Being grateful in times of distress does not mean that we are pleased with our circumstances. It does mean that through the eyes of faith we look beyond our present-day challenges. This is gratitude that heals the heart and expands the mind." ~ Dieter F. Uchtdorf
#26. I’m grateful for a holiday dedicated to family and gathering. It’s smaller this year. We miss the Buzellis. But we aren’t doing anything on a grand scale. Everyone is distancing and not socializing as best they can.
I busied myself cooking all morning. Turkey, mashed potatoes, creamed onions, sausage stuffing, carrots and cabbage in butter sauce, 6 dozen homemade rolls, gravy, and coordination it all for a 2:00 start. I was grateful for My kid's food contributions as well - Monson and Lexi brought green bean casserole and sweet potatoes and Addison and Bre made sweet potato stackers and “celestial Bread pudding” and Tru and Levi made roasted veggies and corn pudding. We had so much food it didn’t all fit on the table.
Plus pies! We had so many delicious pies. 10 flavors! (My banana cream was change your life good. ) the Buzelli pie elves dropped off 6 right before dinner.
Anyway.... as we all gathered around the table before we prayed I had everyone stop and just take a deep, silent breath. A pause. It felt good and then Prayer was definitely in order.
I was grateful for my full table with Addison’s and Monson’s families gathering with us. We added Levi this year too -Tru’s boyfriend. Levi has been living in our home for over a month. He’s delightful, kind, smart, interested and articulate. All good qualities. I’m grateful Truman found his person. They have been together a little over a year.
We shared what we are grateful for and how 2020 has changed us - - helped us slow down and reprioritize connection.
This year our Thanksgiving theme is…..Love the ones you're with and honor those who can’t be with you. We packed up food and did a delivery to Wanee, Holly and Dale for their Thanksgiving feast.
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We walked around the block so we could make room for Pie. Lady and Poppy held hands the entire way. |
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Leaning over my Marriott Balcony for my Wayne get away! |
The kids all went to see a movie. Bre rented out a theatre and they all saw Croods 2. Wayne and I ran into SLC for a two-night hotel stay. With Covid it’s so different but we are glad to get away and connect and SLC was empty... a ghost town, so we felt very safe walking around City Creek. We ate at a Hot -pot- Mr. Shabu's and saw the movie "Love and Monsters"... it was actually good.
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I had to buy this butter dish since our Thanksgiving meal was basically ALL butter. We went through pounds of the stuff. |
The time we spend together is sacred.
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