Saturday, October 10, 2020


Having LGBTQ family members has been a unique and priceless gift.

Because of this GIFT, I have learned many things.

I have learned about the nature of GOD

I have learned how to move faster through my upset- no matter who or what it is focused on.

I have learned to forgive others and their misunderstanding of the divinity of LGBTQ people.

I have seen endless tender mercies given to our family as we were/are figuring out how an LGBTQ family works and fits within the  Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.

I have no doubt my family is an Eternal Family.

I have learned to have more compassion, curiosity, mercy and grace for my neighbors, leaders, and myself. 

Moving from my black and white faith into a more nuanced faith has brought me many blessings.

So how did I get here?  I had to work for it.  I had to Ask. I had to Pray. I had to Study.  But it was worth it.  I feel closer to my Jesus and His plan and to the relationships in my life than ever before. 

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