I‘m sitting in a Marriott in Newport Beach California, writing this. Two weeks ago our Wangsgaard friends invited us to share their vacay weekend so we jumped on it. Their son Tate, and wife Caroline and two grands would also be joining us here and there. We had a free companion air ticket and lots of hotel points. It’s great to be in the sun and on the beach at sunset, or sitting by a pool. We are doing all of the outside stuff. It really feels like one last sunshiney moment and then Summer is gone again...my favorite season.
Traveling in the time of COVID is different: The airplane was at ⅔ capacity with every middle seat left empty. All are in required masks. They give you a treat prepackaged bag of water, cookies, wipes. They hand out sanitizing wipes and more wipes. The airport was just as crowded as always. Just a lot of masked people trying to stay away from each other.
The hotel is mandatory masks as you walk around inside of it. You can have maid service or not..but mostly not. By the pools masks are up to you. The deck chairs are spaced out feet between a set of two chairs. It’s all interesting. No dragging chairs closer or to make a group of four.
The restaurants are open for takeout or outside seating only.
The beaches are packed, so we just try and stay away from people… set up our space and keep our distance. We did Newport Beach then Corona Del Mar Beach then back to Newport. We have had amazing sunsets every night.
We have a great time hanging out with Tim and Linda. We have known them for 33 years. Linda is happy if she eats at the same Great Mex place every day and has her shrimp burrito. It is really delish...but I need variety. We found an amazing sushi place on Sunday...an all you can eat, and between the four of us ( Tim, Wayne, Tate Wangsgaard, Me) we ate TOO MUCH. If there is any sushi leftover they charge you $2.oo a piece, so we couldn’t have that happen. We have tried all of the flavors of Sidecar Donuts..and Linda and I determined that Salted Butter is the best… Wayne and Tim think it’s maple with Bacon. We headed back to Newport Beach on actual Labor Day -- it was foggy and gorgeous, with crazy waves. We ended our trip with a Downtown Disney excursion for shopping and more food-- Black Tap and Salt and Straw.
Favorites about our California trip:
Side car donuts. (We spent about $100.00 with our three trips to the donut shop. )
Black tap burger while in Downtown Disney.
Corona beach.
Dancing on beach.
Driving around in search for canning lids because Linda can't find any in Utah.
Trying ALL of the Side car donuts.
Black tap burger.
Beach sunsets.
Sushi experience at Makino.
Grand daughter Ami dancing on the beach with us.
Spending time with friends and family.
Entering downtown Disney was magical.
Great Mex shrimp burrito. - Had one every day for four days.
Beach sunsets.
Lobster sushi roll at Makinos.
Donuts - butter and salt from Sidecar.
That big wave coming up and drenching our stuff at Newport Beach.
Sitting on the beach with a book in my ear and friends around.

DAY 3-
DAY 4 -
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