Sun Valley with the BSB’s was fun. (BSB= best skiing buddies. In the summer they are BBB’s- best biking buddies). We drove up after church last Sunday with the Belnaps and hit only a little bit of bad weather. We had two condos that slept 6.
In attendance were us and the Belnaps, the Stayners, the Packers, the Urionas and the Wades. All of these couple ski-- the Welches don’t. But we did have a good time snowshoeing and cross country skiing, plus playing games, eating out and chatting. It was great to go. Snowshoeing was good. We got on a mountain trail with drifted snow, so it wasn’t packed down and some points we would sink up to our hips, even with snowshoes on. It was quite a sight to see us all like turtles on our backs trying to right ourselves and get standing up again. At one point when Wayne was sunk and struggling he called out, "Go on without me. Save yourselves." We laughed a lot. When trying something new it's good not to take yourself too seriously and to remember it's called play.
In attendance were us and the Belnaps, the Stayners, the Packers, the Urionas and the Wades. All of these couple ski-- the Welches don’t. But we did have a good time snowshoeing and cross country skiing, plus playing games, eating out and chatting. It was great to go. Snowshoeing was good. We got on a mountain trail with drifted snow, so it wasn’t packed down and some points we would sink up to our hips, even with snowshoes on. It was quite a sight to see us all like turtles on our backs trying to right ourselves and get standing up again. At one point when Wayne was sunk and struggling he called out, "Go on without me. Save yourselves." We laughed a lot. When trying something new it's good not to take yourself too seriously and to remember it's called play.
We had Lunch every day with Laura. She dug out from her computer work and we ate and chatted.
Wayne, Eric Belnap ( who is a great downhill skier) and I tried cross-county skiing for the first time..and I really liked it, and I wasn’t sore the next day whereas Wayne and Eric were walking around like old men. I’m sure it’s because I’ve ellipticaled at the gym for years which uses the same muscles. Wayne was the winner for fall downs. Because of his “dizzy” when he starts to tip over he can’t right down he goes. They had groomed different levels of trails all around the Sun Valley golf course to ski on. It was Gorgeous! Blue sky and Freezing! 6 degrees! 
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