I had a hair-brained idea- or stroke of genius which ever way you want to call it - last spring when I heard it was Donny and Marie's last year and they were closing their show of 11 years in November. So I called up my old ward friends-- we call our group the sunseekers-- 4 have moved out of our ward since it's inception-- but after 20 years of friendship, we run deep. Anyway, I called them up and they were all in. We got to see the Donny and Marie show and spend two days with each other in Vegas.
It was delightful to get away. We solved all of the world's problems, took lots of pics, ate at Emiril's restaurant, took a personality quiz, played games, talked
and loved and supported on each other. AND...we laughed a lot.
I feel so grateful to have many friends. The ones I went to Vegas with and so many more. I love women friendships.
view from our Las Vegas Condo |
Lazy river time. |
Laura avoiding the sun |
Erin Blake and Diane Lake. Our youngest and our oldest. |
Emeril's restaurant was delicious. Salmon, Pork Loin, Mashed potatoes, Clam Chowder |
Laura and Si ordered the same salad but Laura takes most everything off of hers. |
Donny and Marie did not disappoint, although it was hard to watch Marie's plastic surgery face. They sound great and we were within touching distance. Infact Donny shook mine and Laura's hands. |
Streets of Vegas...we love the photo bomber in the back, |
We had enough beds for everyone, but still we cuddled. Erin, Laura, Kim, Kimi |
My fellow Sunseekers...Diane Lake, Kim Johnston Laura Belnap. Heidi Bingham Erin Blake, Melinda, Si Foster, Kimi Farley |

My phone fell into the toilet and I peed all over it! What? It was in my back pocket and usually you hear when a phone hits the water, but this one slid into it without a sound. After I peed and stood up to flush, I glanced into the bowl and wondered what that phone was doing there, then I realized it was my phone and I screamed like I was being attacked and plunged my hand into the gross water. I screamed again thinking about how long my phone was actually submerged. My heart was racing. My pants weren't pulled up yet. I was in a women's public restroom standing at the sink with my urine phone and my pants down. Quite the sight. I washed it with soap, sanitized it with drops and turned it off hoping beyond hope that once it spent a few days in a bag of rice it would be well. I had forgotten that Wayne and I got brand new phones in August that are iphone 10's and they are water resistant up to 30 minutes. So even with the pee factor my phone survived!! Now it's just a funny story.
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