I just got back from my first Life Coach School Mastermind in Plano, Texas. It was fabulous. I stayed with fellow coach Cheree Murdock and met up with 7 more of my LCS colleagues that were in my online learning group for the past year.
Christy, Cheree Murdock, Danny Poelman, Sharon Rutan, Me, Deborah Thomas, Noelle Pedace, Shyloh Belnap and Lisa Bower.
Sunrise out my Hotel window |
Our LCS instructor was Bev Aron. We got to meet up with her and thank her. Bev is a "big deal" in the Life coach School. She has been with Brooke Castillo from the beginning. Bev is great at teaching the model and demanding perfection. She is tough and awesome.
A really fun thing that happened was me and 2 of my LCS friends, Shyloh and Deborah got to be on stage with Brooke and work through speaking and story improvement as we coach and in our messaging. I was thrilled to be up close and personal to Brooke and she just really feels so much more accessible and like a coach-friend now.
We got to workshop and learn about thinking the impossible- and super thinking. taking the time to be with ourselves and our thoughts and asking our BRAIN a question we want answers to and then listening to ourselves. We have all the answers inside of us, we just need to lean into our power and intuition.
We also got to hear messages from so many other successful life coaches. The one that really spoke to me was learning how to feel your feelings on purpose by Rachel Hart. It was embodying your feelings and really leaning into what it feels like in your body to be excited, have an urge, be devastated etc... What does it feel like in your body? Don't just analyze it in your head. So good.