Friday, August 30, 2019

Lunch and Life Coaching

 I coached! My amazing friend Si Foster of A Bountiful Kitchen and my hard-working friend Kathleen Newman who supports all of my schemes and dreams put on a luncheon for me to present my life coaching skills.  We had a delicious lunch with a berry and cream salad with a lemon vinaigrette, a tortellini and chicken pesto salad with a balsamic drizzle and a gazpacho with fresh everything including avocado and it was gazpach-WOW! 

I taught 5 basic things that I'm sure blew some of these lovely ladies minds.

1.  You are not your  life, world, circumstances
2.  You are not Thoughts...what's going on in your brain.
3.  Feelings come from thoughts and life is 50/50
4.  4 best ways to take actions in your life
5.  You future is your property...make it what you want.

 We laughed, cried and shared.  I taught that we have Circumstances- which we have Thoughts about, which create our Feelings and move us to Action which gives us Results in our lives.

 I want to do a lot more of this.  Need to meet lots of people, tell them I'm a Life Coach and make offers to help.  I got this!

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