Friday, August 30, 2019

Football Season

 BRAVE Football means Laila is painting faces, taking videos and cheering the Bountiful on to victory while I'm running concessions and Wayne's grilling hamburgers.  It's actually a lot of fun and good to be involved.  We have one more year of Highschool then we all graduate.

We had our own FAN FEST for Utah Football at the Belnaps home with 110 people.  We BBQ'd, had a ton of Ute prizes for drawings and plenty of fun things for the littles to do.... bounce house, slides etc.   This was in preparation of the big Utah vs. BYU game.  Utah won of course.

Lexi, Tayla, Emilee and John Dahl, Monson and Wayne as the photo bomber.... perfect

Love these ladies.  We love our Utes.  Linda, Me and Laura

Lunch and Life Coaching

 I coached! My amazing friend Si Foster of A Bountiful Kitchen and my hard-working friend Kathleen Newman who supports all of my schemes and dreams put on a luncheon for me to present my life coaching skills.  We had a delicious lunch with a berry and cream salad with a lemon vinaigrette, a tortellini and chicken pesto salad with a balsamic drizzle and a gazpacho with fresh everything including avocado and it was gazpach-WOW! 

I taught 5 basic things that I'm sure blew some of these lovely ladies minds.

1.  You are not your  life, world, circumstances
2.  You are not Thoughts...what's going on in your brain.
3.  Feelings come from thoughts and life is 50/50
4.  4 best ways to take actions in your life
5.  You future is your property...make it what you want.

 We laughed, cried and shared.  I taught that we have Circumstances- which we have Thoughts about, which create our Feelings and move us to Action which gives us Results in our lives.

 I want to do a lot more of this.  Need to meet lots of people, tell them I'm a Life Coach and make offers to help.  I got this!

Friday, August 23, 2019

Laila's a Senior-- let the games begin!

 Laila has begun the first day of her last year of school and we are already into all of the emotions!  So much fun.  So much stress.  So much homework.  So much hanging out.  So much So much. 
I wonder if she knows her shoe lace is untied?
 Laila is THE SBO tech officer this year and she's training a Jr. to run the show for next year.  She is in charge of all of the assemblies, writing scripts, running sound and lights, creating videos etc... plus she has to attend all of the games and events.  We have our first BHS football game tonight.  Wayne and I will be grilling burgers and working in the concession stand.  It's what you do when your child is an officer. 

I looked back at Laila's kindergarten years...she hasn't changed much. She still likes corn but she would add a good hamburger, anything from Chick-fil-a and oreo shakes to round out her favorites.  Laila likes a blue/green/turquoise color now, and she hasn't mentioned being an astronaut or a race car driver for years.  She is looking into various medical fields and taking Medical anatomy right now as a jump start. 

Laila is taking early morning seminary-- we will see how long she can make this work.  2 choir classes, her officer class, yoga, English, CE math and 2 classes of medical anatomy.  She has a lot of homework already.    All of this and remembering she is the owner of a DOG. 

Sunday, August 18, 2019

5 Reasons why YSA wards are AWESOME!

What is a YSA ward?
Why divide this group out?  

In a homeward you can be single or married, divorced, baby, youth, elderly..nearly dead.  You can be all the things.  But you have to meet certain criteria to be in a YSA ward: 18-30 years old and NOT married.

A YSA ward offers many benefits to this age group.

A YSA ward presents an opportunity for this group to step away from their family and decide if the church is really for them. It provides a chance to be mature about their own spirituality, to stop leaning on parent's testimonies and what’s comfortable.

YSA's in our ward are standing on their own. Going to church on their own and this isn’t always easy. 

So many think a YSA ward is all about dating and marriage or should be. 
It’s not.
It’s so much more than that.
If we keep this YSA-ward-is-only-about-getting-married stereotype, this old way of thinking, we are missing the mark. 

5 reasons why YSA wards are AWESOME:

1. A YSA ward has many activities. A home ward has maybe two a year.    Every week there is something to get involved in at a YSA ward:   FHE, Institute classes, Temple nights, Sports, Service, Mingles.

I was just at a YSA Pool party and I was amazed at all the fun that was being had, the dancing, playing, eating, and talking to each other. It was a beautiful, blessed site.   All having fun with no alcohol involved.  Something so unique in today's society.

2. A YSA ward is all about having 18-30-year-olds hold important leadership callings, not just teach primary or mutual.  It's about getting their spiritual tank filled. Teaching each other in meetings and also sharing opinions and answers in Sunday School classes, Relief Society and Elders Quorum.  The teaching callings in these areas would rarely happen for this age group in a home ward. The answering of questions and sharing of differing opinions would rarely happen sitting by your mom or dad as well. 

3. Testimony meeting in a YSA ward is a rich and rewarding meeting.   One after another, YSA's are testifying to their peers.  This would not happen in a home ward.   There is so much goodness and open-mindedness in this age group. They will be future leaders in the church. A YSA ward provides a strong foundation for this. 

4. There's great camaraderie in our YSA ward. The attendees actually enjoy being at church. With only YSA wards in a building, there is ownership in the treatment and cleaning of it.  

At the beginning of our sacrament meeting, during the prelude and even through the opening song there is greeting and a lot of inviting to sit with each other.  Always offering. Checking with others. Making sure no one feels left out.  This is challenging because YSA wards are always in flux.  New people coming and going all of the time.  The YSA's are up to this challenge.  

5. A YSA ward gives many opportunities to speak in church.  We get to hear from three beautiful souls each week.  

What YSA's need is a place to feel the spirit. An accepting place that allows them to serve and for their testimonies to grow. I've spent the last 2 1/2  years as a participant and an observer as Bishop’s wife in a Young Single Adult ward.  It feels like a mission since it has taken us out of our homeward, but it has been a total blessing. 

I'm coming up with new acronyms for YSA--

Y: Youthful. Young. Yearning. Yes to all of it. 

S: Sweet, Soulful, Spiritual. Satisfying. Stand up. 

A: Attitude. Adults. Anxious. Amazing. Awesome. 

Yearning to be Spiritual Adults  

If we can move past the YSA ward = marriage, we could move past the "shopping" around YSA wards to find who has the “best looking people” for someone to date.   

And one more thing....
YSA’s don't need lessons on dating and marriage. They feel societal and parental pressure around that on the daily.  

A YSA ward can provide so much more.  

Monday, August 12, 2019

Captain Hook

Addison as Captain Hook, Mickey Larsen as Peter Pan
 Addison just finished his run as Captain Hook up in Ogden.  This is the third time he's been in this show, first a lost boy, then a pirate and now Captain Hook.  All three times he's been directed by Jim Christian and twice he's had Mickey Larsen as Peter Pan. 
 Addison was truly Brilliant in this role.  He played it with fun and playfulness and then he would turn on a dime and be villainous and evil.  He made us laugh and boo.  His voice was lush and was THE best captain hook I have ever seen...and I've seen a lot....and it's not just cuz I'm his mother. 
 Addison got applause every time he just entered the stage because the audience knew something fun was going to happen.    The Mysterious Lady song is usually a snoozer and is awkward and the audience is left wondering why this is part of the show. Not this time.  It was delightfully silly and Addison's faces really helped it move along.  SO. Much. FUN!
I love seeing Addison play all of his different parts, but this one let his true, silly, genuinely fun personality shine through plus showed off his dancing and singing talents and how he can command the stage.

Welch Summer Reunion

Our little Welch Family reunion gathering was held in Rob and Tami’s back yard and it was super hot and fun.  Rob and Tami weren’t even there, they are in Washington State with Hunter touring his mission. Mark and Jill- Bret and Wendi were in charge.  It’s always good to take the time to get together and talk and play and strengthen family ties. We played 9 square, had a slip and slide for the littles, a bounce house  and Volleyball. Dinner, treats and a movie of Tom Welch from 2001 where he talked about his growing up years . It was a 25 minute presentation he gave his ward way back when.  It’s priceless. I loved hearing his voice again.

Wanee with her grands and greats

 In attendance at the reunion were Wanee and Holly. From Jane and Steve’s family:   Amy Shurtz Summers family, Richard and his boys, Kimberly Shurtz Brown family Sandy and Clark with Brady, Savannah, Shelbi family and Blake family along with Brad’s Jonah and Gabe.   Wayne and I, Laila, Landon, Monson family. From Terry and Cyrrena’s family: Nicole and Darrin’s family, Pat and Kirstie, Lizzy and Andrew, Emily and Dave’s fam. From Tami and Rob’s family:  Nash and Kylie. Wendi and Bret with their whole family there. Mark and Jill had their whole family as well minus Stockton, but plus Kymee-- Stockton’s serious girlfriend.  

Thursday, August 8, 2019

Reflections of fam at Bear Lake

 My family is such an eclectic group. 

When I was growing up I envisioned my family would be all alike.  Do the same things, like the same stuff, listen to the same music. It sounds very unrealistic and boring now.

We are so much bigger and bolder than I ever imagined.

In and out of healthy eating and physical activity.  
In and out ( heaven) of this world.  
In and out of the LDS church.  
In and out of the closet.  
In and out of each other’s lives.  

I choose to just embrace it all.   It’s healthier this way for all of us.   My family does not need fixing...they just need loving.

Here's what I know:  Just let people be people. They are going to be themselves without my permission anyway.  So I just look on my family with fascination and amazement.  

I just want everyone to feel however they choose to feel.  If they want to be upset, offended, or hurt... I just love them, and let them be them. I don't need to mirror those emotions.  

We are all just a bunch of humans doing the best we know how.  

We can all learn to be amused instead of annoyed.  Fascinated instead of upset.  Curious instead of irritated.  Compassionate instead of judgmental.  And we can all give a generous benefit of the doubt and just be in love with all these crazy people we are related to. 

I understand  why my parents wanted us all to come, at least for a bit, to Bear Lake.   Spending family time together in the same space for a few days is totally different than coming to my home on a Sunday for a few hours once a month, sending texts or talking  over FaceTime. 

There's something great about just sitting under the same tent with family looking out on a gorgeous lake as the clouds float by.

There's something great about waking up in same the space with grand kids. 

There's something great about watching my own kids, neices and nephews parent their kids.

There's something great about embracing this new stage of life for me and my siblings.  We are in charge yet we aren't.

I'm in a new position as I grow older where I get to hold and help and love on and pump some positivity into my littles.   I don't need to discipline and change diapers.  ( unless I want to)

I  am so grateful for all of this.

Bear Lake 2019

We just pulled in today from our week at Bear Lake with all of my sibs and families.  I’m always reminded when we spend time together how much I like all of these people. They all really try to get  a long and are loving and kind. I went around the circle from face to face and said a silent I love you to each one and felt such gratitude.  It was a glorious week. It was fun to find out on the first day that we were spending the week the my Uncle Bailey’s entire family. They had condos in the same building as ours and we shared the beach and beach toys and some tables, games, food and hair braiding with them.  We ate in front of their condo two different nights…which was so helpful.  

 The weather was perfect and for one hour all of my kids and grandkids were in the same place. (Thursday from 1-2)  The Buzelli’s arrived and Tru from Portland, we laughed, took lots of pics, talked a bit then Addison and Bre had to head down the mountain so he could get to his Peter Pan performance weekend.   They left Alfie with us for the last 3 days..and he was a real champ. It was great to have all of the grands there. We boated a lot, played in the sand, went on our 40 and 30 mile bike rides, boated some more,  tubed and wake boarded, sat and talked and laughed and read books, played games, went to the playground, got raspberry shakes from Le Beaus and ice cream cones daily. We did all of the usual things that makes Bear Lake and the condos so wonderful for all of us for the last 47 years.     

We actually stayed over Saturday night to experience Raspberry Days at Garden City...but the LIght up boat parade and the fireworks were so far away that it was less than good..and actually we all blew it a “raspberry.”    We had dinner on the beach two different dinner nights and watched glorious sunsets. It was a great time. I’m already looking forward to next year.

The highlights were:  Water gun fight with Aunt Liz and Aunt Al, Tru, Landon, Sophia, ANdrew, Alfie, Tayla...Poppa and Meema.  
Sandcastle and river building for hours
Tubing behind the boat with our new 3 person tube-- all of the grands did it including Lady and Poppy.
Lowlights:  Trying to get kids asleep at night and to stay a sleep, wet beds and crying.  
(Monson’s when he got peed on) 
Lack of air conditioning so many noisy fans turned on at night. 
Laila missing her dog, Jet so much.

Alfie, Addison with Poppy and Tayla

Laila's friend Rylee, Laila holding Lady, Preston Brown

Panoramic  beach pic

Laila just hanging out

Laila and Poppy

Monson and Laila

Lady and Tayla Welch

Melinda, Adam, Liz, Angela-- my beloved siblings

Holding Lady for her daily nap on the beach

Tru and Alf

Addison on his unicorn float living the good life

Poppy and Lady-- my two one year olds!

Alfie - 5 years old

Sophia - 10 years old

Andrew - 12 years old

Adam put this crazy toilet picture in all 3 of our condos

Tayla throwing up the U sign with Lexi and Lady

We had everyone at Bearlake for one hour and we took our traditional  FAMILY TREE pic

Tru, Laila, Monson and Tayla all relieving themselves?

Poppa Wayne, Liz and Al all taking on the kids for a water fight,

Our Captain

Whole extended Cole family on beach--missing a few, but grateful to get those we did.

Morning evidence after a terrible sleep night for Monson's family.