Friday, May 17, 2019

We got a DOG on Laila Day

We got a dog.   (eye roll)
After a year and a half of protesting and stating WE WILL NEVER HAVE A DOG AGAIN.
We got a dog.
In the past 6 months Laila has been relentless about her need for a dog and how she will do everything for it, and she's an only child, and she doesn't have friends, and she needs something to love unconditionally who will love her back unconditionally, how she is lonely and it will be so good for her, how a dog is good for depression and a big dog isn't neurotic like our last one, and on and on....  She would send me pics on the weekly of cute dogs.

I was worn down.  I was weak.  I gave in.

So I said maybe we can get a dog if  it's older and already trained.  It has to be an allergy free dog which makes the breeds available a lot narrower.  Something with a poodle in it would help.  Wayne got on the scent and was searching KSL and other avenues.   I was biding my time, saying "No, not that one" a lot to all of the dog suggestions, thinking maybe we would never find one.

I was wrong.

On Laila day (May 15) after Wayne got home from work, we were just going to look at a couple of dogs and we will see.  Well the we will see turned into bringing home a 10 week old, non trained puppy.  It's a black mini labradoodle (F1)  and Laila's in heaven and I'm trying not to be in hell.

Laila named the puppy Jet  (with one T although Landon suggested two T's so it would be extra)
...........and we are in puppy land......again.

Up at night like we have a baby.  Taking the dog outside to potty train at all hours and in all weather conditions.  (thank you Utah for having an entire week of rain in your forecast)  Chewing on everything. Jumping over the fencing that we thought for sure would at least corral the puppy for a few months... 3 hours that's how long he was corralled.   And more chewing.

We still need to get crates and all of the puppy paraphernalia that goes with owning a DOG.

I'm trying not to be involved  in all of this and at least keep my foot down for a bit to show my displeasure at being a dog owner again.  I'm for sure NOT getting up at night with this pup.  Wayne and Laila are taking turns.  Good thing Laila has Wayne on her side.  They are going to train Jet together  and promise me the end result will be an awesome dog.

So to celebrate Laila's adoption day we adopted a puppy.  Pray for us.

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