"After all these years, I simply want to THNAK YOU for the sacrifices you made for me as a Young Woman. I had the opportunity this summer to be the chef at girl's camp. Let me tell you, as a Young woman, I had no idea how much you leaders sacrificed for us. Now that I Know-- Thanks You. "
Monson and Lexi moved out of our basement (once again) and into a town home in Saratoga Springs. What a relief... I mean blessing for all of us. The basement is a disaster--but it will get clean eventually. Their new home is new - which is sooo nice- and lovely. They are in a new development with blocks and blocks multi family housing. It's 50 minutes away from us on the west side of Utah Lake, but it's only 10-15 minutes from Monson's works, depending on if you hit the lights green or not. They are happy once again to be independent. We will miss Tay and Lady though. It's always great having the grands around.
While the family was hauling truck loads of stuff Alex was tending Lady and Tay tay and I was painting Tayla’s new room pink and a master bedroom wall blue. It looks great. In the move we only dinged one wall...so that’s good. I can’t wait to see what a beautiful home these two make and to have Lady and Tay tay in their own bedrooms instead of all sleeping on top of each other in the basement. It will be great to see their basement get finished as well. 
We love our Belnap friends... this is a squinty pic, but we were happy to be together. Eric is being released from bishop of our ward after his 5 year stint. Laura is busy trying to be re elected to State school board. Fall is just around the corner. The nights are getting colder and pumpkins and patches are popping up everywhere!
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