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Addison helped design this poster for Laila. Great friend Max Eiting is the Tall kid. |
Monday, April 30, 2018
Laila is Jr. Officer
Friday, April 27, 2018
Two favorite books
I just found out about Bob Goff this winter. He is a New York times bestselling author for a reason. I have read and re-read Love Does and his new book that just came out Everybody Always.
He is a Christian writer and has lived such a serendipitous, imaginative, loving life. His stories amaze and amuse and inspire me to be better.
He is a Christian writer and has lived such a serendipitous, imaginative, loving life. His stories amaze and amuse and inspire me to be better.
Thursday, April 26, 2018
Letter to Laila
Dear Laila,
I know you don’t want to have this conversation, (and you
will just call it a lecture), so I decided to write it down instead…then you
can read and we can discuss if you want to ….
This is all about Boys, Sex and dating.
1. What about boys?
A boy is a human being with
feelings, insecurities, likes, dislikes and hobbies just like a girl. You do
not need to treat him like an amazing “god” because he flips his hair just
right, posts a picture of his six pack abs. You do not need to,
nor should you, stand in awe of the fact that he is talking to you. You are an
interesting and intelligent person. Why wouldn’t he talk to you? As a matter of
fact, your relationship with him will go better if you treat him like a regular
person. Trust me on this one. You are not stupid. Don’t act like you are.
Reasons to listen to #1:
a. Relationships go better when
both people have an equal investment in each other. You are
worth him putting in an equal effort to the relationship. Don’t chase, call,
cross boundaries flirting or continuously attempt to push your friendship into
dating. If it is going to happen then it will.
b. If you truly like him then you also want him to actually like you. TALK
to him about school, pets, your nieces and nephews, your strict parents,
sports, books, politics, ideas, or whatever. Do not tell him your darkest
secrets when you have just met him and do not try to entice a deeper
relationship by dipping into suggestive conversations/photos about sex or
sexual material. Sex does not equate to really caring about anyone-. Just do
NOT go there.
2. Zip your lips.
You will have better
relationships with boys if you keep who you are “crushing”on, keep your conversations, and your dating
desires to yourself. This goes for hanging out with friends, that thing you
call “hanging” and actual dating too. The less you share with your friends in
your giddy excitement the better.
Quit rolling your eyes, and no,
it is not true that friend A, B or C
will not say anything to anyone,
because they WILL. ---don’t give them
“power” over you.
Reasons to listen to #2:
a. No one likes feeling discussed or pressured in a new relationship
or any relationship. Friends, and not so good friends, have a way of pushing, teasing, and questioning
their peers for a wide variety of reasons.
I know you have played “truth or dare… or truth or truth……In the end
this rarely goes well.
b. You may meet or talk to someone else tomorrow. If
you are not dating anyone. why not just keep your options open? The really
quiet boy who is asking you about your math assignment may like you and be
trying to get to know you. If he hears you are crazy about another boy in class, he will quit. You may miss a
great relationship opportunity because you declared a mythical crush
relationship. Sometimes the best dating potential is right there in your face,
but you can’t see it because you are all gaga over “crush boy.”
As a side note, the quiet and
unassuming boy is likely the boy you SHOULD date. You will have fun, friendship
and a positive relationship experience. The overly confident boy who puts a lot
of pressure on you is the one you should be avoiding. Just saying.
c. Passed-on gossip is like the telephone game. It is
hardly ever accurate. Do you want your new crush to hear that you said
something utterly ridiculous that you actually didn’t even say? Talking about
crushes is simply an invitation to drama. Who needs that? NO ONE.
d. Don’t gossip…
e. Social media is NOT your friend.
3. Attention is NOT affection.
If all your new boy, who is a
friend, or may be more than a friend, or even is a boyfriend, has to say to you
is how beautiful you are and how he would like to spend time at your house when
your parents aren’t home, then you have his attention but not affection. If he
is asking you to send naked photos or FaceTime him from your bed, then you can
be flattered if you must, but be flattered as you are saying “bye bye” or “in
your dreams” and hanging up that phone you want to keep so badly.
Reasons to listen to #3:
a. Yes. You are all hormonal young adults. Everyone
gets it. However, being sexually interested in another person is not at all the
same as caring about that person.
b. If someone likes you and RESPECTS you then they
will not begin a relationship with blatant sexualized requests or
c. If you like and RESPECT yourself, you will not
allow a relationship to begin with sexualized requests or conversations. Don’t engage in Sexy talk. No sexting. If you don’t want your Grandma
Welch to see it, don’t take the pic and don’t send it.
d. Wait for the affection over time before being intimate with a
person. It is worth it and so are you!
e. Just because sex is all
over the media and all the teens on TV are doing it, doesn’t mean it is a good
idea to practice that behavior in real life. Being over exposed
to the wrong messages doesn’t make them the right messages.
f. Actions should speak
louder than words. If a boy is on your phone everyday
discussing how hot you are and sending kissing emojis but doesn’t want to spend
time doing something non- intimate, or have an actual conversation about real
life, then believe that he isn’t really interested in you as a friend only as
an object. Quit the texts.
g. You want to keep your phone. ( I will drive over that thing.)
4. Do not dive in.
You don’t have to be attached to
anyone in High School. Value yourself.
Value your body. Value your mind. Value your worth. None of those things change
if you are attached to a boy. A boy doesn’t make you more of anything.
Reason to listen to #4
a. You are a worthwhile person. You are a daughter of God.
b. See A.
You have years to explore dating
and relationships. Just Date for fun. Don’t
be in such a hurry. I am not such a Puritan as to think you are not
curious about sex. It is slammed down your throat from every other song on the
radio. However, it is not the end-all-be-all of life. It does not make good
relationships. It can ruin relationships, and, quite frankly, your other dreams
and aspirations. I am asking you to respect yourself. Be mature enough to wait
and develop a relationship that has significant meaning and longevity (the
crush is not significant meaning) and to realize that sexualized relationships
can impact, influence and affect your goals, and your life. Wait for the Right One…in a marriage
relationship. That is the best way.
But……..If you are going to engage
in sex before that, you better USE PROTECTION.
No one needs an unwanted pregnancy. Be smart. Don’t be another pregnant-unwed-Mormon girl
because you were too ashamed or scared to ask about condoms or birth control.
Reason to listen to #5
a. Once upon a time your mother was actually a teenager and
she just may know a thing or two about this topic.
b. You are amazing (even though you may not think so) and
have the opportunity to grow and experience many wonderful relationships in
time. Again-Slow down.
6. Let’s talk about Sex
Sex is such a vulnerable thing and it puts you in a very
vulnerable position. Getting naked in
front of some one can be scary but seeing
each other’s bodies not just as titillation but as I will take care of you and
you will take care of me is the best.
Great Sex needs to happen slowly. If you are never able to relax, enjoy and take your time (hence the marriage) then it really only pleasures the man since
his orgasms happen easily and yours need more time and ”work”. Random sex with boys you don’t really care
about makes it so you get very little out of it and probably will get an
indifferent attitude towards sex. Which
then makes you start to think, what’s the big deal? With the right man at the right time, it’s a
big beautiful deal of a thing, and it’s the most real you will ever feel. The Big deal is it should be saved and
shared with your one and only in marriage.
Reason to listen to
Kissing is fun but doesn’t need to lead to Sex,
or touching, or anything else. Be
careful with this one…girls can stop easier than boys.
NO means NO
Sex is a gift and really is BEST once you are
7. Mistakes happen…
I get it. We are only
human. If you make mistakes and want to
get back on track, please access the
Atonement of Jesus Christ. Don’t wallow in “why am I so stupid,” self pitying darkness that drags your
feelings of self worth through the
mud. Go to your bishop. Makes things
right with the Lord and you can move back into the Light. The Light is a good
place to be. Feeling good about yourself
and being able to share goodness with
others is happiness.
Reason to listen to
A. It’s the truth
8. … and
a few more things..
You will experience a broken heart. Most guys
will be sad about losing you, but a select few will be complete jerks who
frankly don’t care. Listen to your friends. If they say the guy is trouble,
stay away.
Love and
respect yourself. Look at yourself. What’s not to love? You are a beautiful and
unique creature, and there is no one like you anywhere else in the world.
I know there are times when it seems like there is no one out there for
you, but be patient. Friends and boyfriends arrive when the time is right.
There are people out there who NEED to know you, people whose lives would be
better if they spent just five minutes with you. Know that about yourself. You
are infinitely lovable. You are infinitely valuable. Never sell yourself short. You are a daughter of GOD.
I love you Laila. I
am ALWAYS on your side. These high school years can be wonderful!
Love your
momma bear…Me
Hamilton in SLC
"We were in the room where it happens." Hamilton did not disappoint. We LOVED it. Even Eric Belnap said he would see this show again. I loved most everything about it. I loved seeing the staging and how they used the one piece set with a turn table floor and just pushing around stair cases. The lighting told a story. The voices were great. Hamilton sounded just like Lin Manuel Miranda and Eliza sounded just like Phillipa Sou. The only thing lacking was in the French Lafeyette. The guy just wasn't understandable....but really I don't know if anyone but the original rapper could ever do those lyrics that quickly. I bawled through the end of course; from "Burn" to "Who lives, who dies, who Tells your story?" It was all interesting and beautiful....and I want to see it again.
Wednesday, April 25, 2018
Dear Laila...letter about drugs
Dear Laila.
Now for the lecture,.. I mean letter about Alcohol
and drugs.
You are just a teen ager with a developing mind and
body….why ruin things now? Why stop
brain cell development?
Don’t you want every opportunity and advantage you can get
in life? If so, stay away from drugs,
alcohol, beer, vaping ..all things which destroy the body and chase away the
I know I can give you all sorts of statistics about teen age
drinking and drugs… so many negatives it’s mind boggling … but I also know that those mean little to you. You may think you are invincible and
that nothing bad would ever happen to
you…or you may think, come on it’s only one time …or you want to fit in and peer pressure is real…..
Please have the courage to walk away. Do the “right” thing because you respect your
Surround your self with other friends who have standards you
want to emulate. IT’s easier to say “No” together.
I don’t want you to
partake in alcohol or drugs, but if you do...
….. if you do partake,
Don’t take any open
cup from any one… who knows what they put in it.
Don’t let people take pictures or movies of you…why let them
have blackmail for later, even if now they are your “friend.”
Come home. Don’t
feel like you have to stay away when you have made choices I will be
disappointed in.
Remember it’s against the law for someone your age to drink
and use drugs.
Remember that a police record will stay with
you forever, whether you look for a job, or apply to colleges. One bad decision can stay with you and affect
so many aspects of your life.
You will lose
privileges like phone and car use for
awhile, if you don’t follow our house rules.
These rules include no alcohol, drugs
or vaping.
Know that I want you most of all
to be safe. That means: if you decide to drink, do not drive. If you decide to
drink, call me and I will pick you up... and no questions asked. I just want
you to be safe...I want you to stay alive.
I love you Laila.
These High School years can be joyous….
These High School years can be joyous….
Love Momma
Monday, April 23, 2018
He's a Music Man
Addison is starring as Harold Hill at HCT in THE MUSIC MAN. He is so good in this. I love watching my children perform...it's really satisfying for me to see Addison on stage doing what he loves.
This is what Bre wrote about it.... "Addison worked his tail off and got the part! He has worked incredibly hard at this every day for months now. This part has totally rocked him. So watching him nail this dream role last night was all the payoff. Sitting next to my Aflie, watching his dad show him that he can pursue his dreams, that he can do hard things and bring light to people's lives was blissful and surreal. I was teary the whole show! I could not be more proud."
This is what Bre wrote about it.... "Addison worked his tail off and got the part! He has worked incredibly hard at this every day for months now. This part has totally rocked him. So watching him nail this dream role last night was all the payoff. Sitting next to my Aflie, watching his dad show him that he can pursue his dreams, that he can do hard things and bring light to people's lives was blissful and surreal. I was teary the whole show! I could not be more proud."
Sunday, April 22, 2018
Laila had Prom on Saturday night. She had a darling friend - Hannah, do her hair, a
scheduled make up from Nordstroms and a borrowed dress. Everything worked out and she had a great time
with her date Bracken Olson and group. They went for
pics , Olive Garden and then the dance at the Layton Convention Center, Poltergeist movie after at Brennan's home. I get a kick out of these dances, the girls always bring sweats to change into after the dance so they can be more comfortable.
Bracken and Laila |
Laila's Prom group |
Hannah and Laila |
Friday, April 6, 2018
We love PARIS
35th Anniversary Paris trip
Paris Day 3: Slept in. Got an all day hop on hop off bus ticket to see and hear about all of the sights in Paris. Got a good feel for the layout of the city. So many picturesque buildings and statues with the Seine river going through the middle of it. Ate a delicious baguette with butter, ham and cheese. Sooo good. Like the best simple sandwich I have ever eaten. Also had a gyro and fries down a little back alley. We really just needed to use a toilet and had to buy something. Bought a yellow beret and a Paris scarf. The bus tour was good on the feet and good on a rainy day. The driving in Paris is wild. No real lanes when turning corners and round abouts. We laughed a lot and tried our French accents. The Red line bus driver was the slowest-probably-first-time- driving-a -bus bus driver. We laughed some more and finally decided to leave the bus since we were cold, wet and tired of sitting. Some stranded tourist from Canada who had a purse and passports stolen asked us for help. Wayne gave him 50 euros. Canadian consulate closed til Tuesday. Poor guy. We felt it was legit. Ubered to a bistro for dinner. Delicious beef bourgenion and poisson with vegetable noodles and an amazing sauce. Walked back to hotel. Great day. (My 8000-steps-boots that I wore had to go 2000 steps farther and my feet were killing me. )
Paris day 4: started early with breakfast at the hotel then off to the Sacre Coer cathedral up on a hill in Montmartre district. It was amaze balls. So many stairs and so much beauty. We could have taken the funicular to avoid half the stairs but why? (We got over 22,000 steps in today)The inside vault and stained glass windows were gorgeous. We also climbed to the top of the dome. 300 steps up a spiral staircase but it was worth it. The view of Paris was astounding. We came down into a little artist colony and got a print. Ate gelato and the wandered down into a neighborhood to a boulangerie and once again found a baguette with butter ham and cheese and a “chocolate aux pain”. The French have really figured out breads and pastries.
Paris Day 7: Versailles oh my! It was extravagant and eye popping. We caught a train to head to Versailles for our bike tour. We met up with Lena the tour guide and 12 other people from all over. Our group had a couple from Canada, a family group from a South Carolina, a family group from Long Island NY and a cute LDS couple from Lehi. ( The guy-Logan Douglas went to jr high with Patrick welch ). It only rained a little. We stopped at an open air market in Versailles to buy a picnic lunch ( oranges, raspberries, Apricot tartine, Nutella eclair, and of course our favorite baguette with ham, butter and cheese). Then we were off. Biking all around the grand canal and to the summer palaces - the Grand Torinon and the petite Torinon was such fun and so beautiful The Little “fake” hamlet village that Marie Antoinette built was like Disney magic.....but it was nothing compared to the opulent palace King Louis the XIV built. The Palace of Versailles and the history was sooo extravagant. The Hall of mirrors and every ceiling was over the top wow. We bikes a lot and walked a lot—
March 27, 2018 Flew to Denver to sleep over so we don’t miss the next days flight.
Paris day 1: flew to Seattle ( first class). All was lovely. Then to Paris not in first class on Air France. Longest night of my life. Middle seat. Too hot. Too close. Too everything. Guy in front of me seat was in my lap. Broken?
Paris day 2: Arrived by noon and trained into the city. No nap for us. We will keep going til we drop. Staying at Marriott Rive Gauche by the catacombs and the Luxembourg gardens. ( Ten minute walks). Got French pastries- chocolate almond croissant and a raisin custard roll.
Saw Eiffel tour in the rain. Got Wayne an umbrella. Ate delicious banana Nutella crepes. Stayed for the night time twinkle light display that goes off on the Eiffel Tower for 5 minutes every hour. All of us- the crowd let out an ahhh when they began. It was magical. Ubered there and back.
Favorite thing: When the twinkle lights turned in at the Eiffel Tower.
Paris Day 3: Slept in. Got an all day hop on hop off bus ticket to see and hear about all of the sights in Paris. Got a good feel for the layout of the city. So many picturesque buildings and statues with the Seine river going through the middle of it. Ate a delicious baguette with butter, ham and cheese. Sooo good. Like the best simple sandwich I have ever eaten. Also had a gyro and fries down a little back alley. We really just needed to use a toilet and had to buy something. Bought a yellow beret and a Paris scarf. The bus tour was good on the feet and good on a rainy day. The driving in Paris is wild. No real lanes when turning corners and round abouts. We laughed a lot and tried our French accents. The Red line bus driver was the slowest-probably-first-time- driving-a -bus bus driver. We laughed some more and finally decided to leave the bus since we were cold, wet and tired of sitting. Some stranded tourist from Canada who had a purse and passports stolen asked us for help. Wayne gave him 50 euros. Canadian consulate closed til Tuesday. Poor guy. We felt it was legit. Ubered to a bistro for dinner. Delicious beef bourgenion and poisson with vegetable noodles and an amazing sauce. Walked back to hotel. Great day. (My 8000-steps-boots that I wore had to go 2000 steps farther and my feet were killing me. )
Favorite thing: eating the ham and cheese baguette
Paris day 4: started early with breakfast at the hotel then off to the Sacre Coer cathedral up on a hill in Montmartre district. It was amaze balls. So many stairs and so much beauty. We could have taken the funicular to avoid half the stairs but why? (We got over 22,000 steps in today)The inside vault and stained glass windows were gorgeous. We also climbed to the top of the dome. 300 steps up a spiral staircase but it was worth it. The view of Paris was astounding. We came down into a little artist colony and got a print. Ate gelato and the wandered down into a neighborhood to a boulangerie and once again found a baguette with butter ham and cheese and a “chocolate aux pain”. The French have really figured out breads and pastries.
We figured out the Paris metro and have subwayed all over
Nap time
Then up and subway over to the Eiffel Tower for our tour. We paid for skip the line tickets and were so glad we did. The people in line waited atleast 6 hours. Crazy busy. We did the whole thing in 2 1/2 hours. Still long and some security lines but I can’t imagine doing it any other way. The tour guide was great. Full of trivia tid bits that I love. Funny French guy. The Eiffrl Tower up to the top was spectacular. Cold and windy on top. Great weather since atleast it wasn’t raining. A Nutella crepe then back to the subway to train up to “L raile de L’ entrocote “ a famous French restaurant with double servings of steak and frites smothered with a thyme Dijon cream sauce. The name means “ ribeye relay” and with all of the waitresses scurrying around that’s exactly what it is. Delicious.
We are listening to General conference as we lay in bed at the hotel. It’s been a great day.
Favorite: the views from Sacre Coer and from the Eiffel Tower.
Paris Day 5: Notre dam for Easter Mass ! It was extraordinary. The stained glass and the lit arch - ways. Wayne’s comment was” I could never be Catholic all of their churches are too dark”. We climbed to the top of the bell tower. (387steps) After yesterday’s climbing of the Sacre Coer (570) and the Eiffel Tower (600) our legs were shakey. It was worth it. Another incredible view of the city and a close up of the gargoyles and we went into the belfry to see one of the giant bells. We were serenaded by bells for the end of the Easter mass too. We timed it perfectly by accident.
We have discovered why we love to see Mcdonalds all over the world— fountain drinks and free toilets!
After a beautiful walk down the Seine river we made it to The Louvre. This did not disappoint. So happy for skip the line tix once again. The Italian Renaissance painters including the hard to see Mona Lisa. Spectacular. We had fun putting titles to paintings and statues. It was so crowded in this side of the museum we escaped to the to the other side -no crowds and we could see Napoleon lll apartment. Very opulent. So much gold, painted ceilings and statuary. The dining room table seats 45. We ate at Angelina’s. We really just needed to rest our tired feet. We had the famous thick hot chocolate and Traditional crusted (French) onion soup and chicken encroute. French food is all about the sauces and they excel.
More Louvre wandering then subwayed back to our hotel to collapse and listen to general conference. Of course we had to pick up eclairs and another ham cheese and butter baguette on the way. Bon a-petite
Favorite: being on top of Notre Dam when the bells played.
Paris day 6: The Arch de Triumph. We climbed all 284 stairs to the top. Basically everything you can climb to the top of in Paris and see a view....We did it!! It was great. Skip the line again then slower up the stairs today since our calves were tight and our thighs on fire. Loved seeing the Eiffel Tower again from a different side. Loved looking down the Champs Elysses to the giant Ferris wheel at the end. We walked the Champs Elysses gawking at all of the high end stores and stopping for our mid -morning baguette with butter ham and cheese. This time from Paul’s. McDonald’s for soda and toilets and then to Pierre Herme for a raspberry rose infused macaron with whip cream filling. Delicieux! We walked some more and found a park with leaves budding on trees a fountain and flowers. This was the Spring we have been looking for. We made it to the Ferris wheel and oblisque - then Wayne had to try a French hotdog. The wrapped hot dog looked fake served in a crunchy baguette with melted cheese and he added ketchup. It was good. We walked back up the Siene toward the Eiffel Tower do we could get on the Siene river cruise. The good part was we got to sit down for an hour and we got to see the mini Statue of Liberty. We saw a flea market under the Alexanderlll bridge. It was fun to wander through and basically French junk looks like American junk. Subway back to hotel. Nap. Yay for naps. Tonight we tried French Italian food and enjoyed Pizza. It was really good. So many Italian restaurants in Paris.
Paris Day 7: Versailles oh my! It was extravagant and eye popping. We caught a train to head to Versailles for our bike tour. We met up with Lena the tour guide and 12 other people from all over. Our group had a couple from Canada, a family group from a South Carolina, a family group from Long Island NY and a cute LDS couple from Lehi. ( The guy-Logan Douglas went to jr high with Patrick welch ). It only rained a little. We stopped at an open air market in Versailles to buy a picnic lunch ( oranges, raspberries, Apricot tartine, Nutella eclair, and of course our favorite baguette with ham, butter and cheese). Then we were off. Biking all around the grand canal and to the summer palaces - the Grand Torinon and the petite Torinon was such fun and so beautiful The Little “fake” hamlet village that Marie Antoinette built was like Disney magic.....but it was nothing compared to the opulent palace King Louis the XIV built. The Palace of Versailles and the history was sooo extravagant. The Hall of mirrors and every ceiling was over the top wow. We bikes a lot and walked a lot—
Then, since we were just a ten minute drive from the LDS Paris Temple we ubered over there with the cute couple from Lehi. It was a full day ending with dinner at Cafe Daguerre right off the Denfert-rochereau metro stop. We had snails, a Camembert warm salad and a confit of veal and veggies. All if it was out of this world delicieux. The food in France has all been outstanding.
Paris day 8: 25,000 step day.
Muse de Orsay was filled with impressionist paintings and Rodin sculptures. Such beauty. It’s hard to take it all in
We got another baguette with ham and cheese — we are determined to find the best one in Paris— this has been our quest. We walked to Luxembourg park to enjoy lunch with eclairs and religiceux( a round type of eclair with a cream puff on top ) Then back to Gallerie Lafayette / Printemps— one last look at Paris and souvenir shopping. We walked little Paris neighborhood streets and walked some more. We have eaten our way through Paris. The winner for best baguette ham and cheese goes to the shop from our first day there “ U Spuntinu” because they put Camembert cheese on it and not just Swiss. Delicieux
Our feet feel like pioneers.
The sun finally came out the day we left. We were so happy to have our parkas with us all week.
Some things we have noted about Paris:
- How do Parisienne ‘s stay so skinny with all of the wonderful food, bread, butter and cheeses they eat all day?
- Wearing a yellow beret all over Paris makes everything “Frenchier”
- So many fantastic corner sidewalk cafes, Boulangeries and patisseries. We had a baguette and pastries EVERY day !
- We walked 9-12 miles EVERY day. So many stairs! Our feet felt like Pioneer children’s.
- Every historic sight and thing we did -even wandering aimlessly -did not disappoint !
- So many Two front wheel motorcycles in Paris.
- The weather was ok. But basically Wayne and I wore coats in every pic so all of the days look the same.
- We figured out directions by finding the Eiffel Tower and the Sacre Coer.
- Wayne likes to pay more fir skip the line tickets and skipping lines is nice.
- We French kissed at every historic sight! (Don’t tell the kids )
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