Thursday, February 1, 2018

Last week of January

 Adelaide is home and doing okay.  She got released after 9 days n the NICU. Her oxygen numbers are up and her heart rate is down.  Both good things.  She is eating like a champ and is just very sleepy all of the time.  Some of that is because of her low red blood count. Lady is darling and her big sister Tayla is doing great with her.   She is very protective already and goes around telling everyone to  " quiet. Baby."
Mel Larsen, Angie, Lisa Titmus, Angela Moon, Annie Kuehne, Marin Thomasma, Lupe, Angie, Karen Smith, Me and Mel Evans.
 This has been a weird January.  So little snow and so much spring like weather.  It's amazing how many times I've been able to walk outside.    There was  a blue moon the end of the month.. two full moons in one a group of ladies from the ward went on a night hike up the Wild Rose trail to see it.  We got to the top of the mountain and the moon was hiding behind the clouds so we didn't get to see that but the city lights were great and  it was good to do something just a little bit crazy.

There is a book  called "The Precious Present."  It's a simple read about someone searching high and low for a precious "present" he had been promised.  In the end he realizes that "present" is actually the "present"...what was happening right in front of him.  He had been so worried about looking for it elsewhere that he had forgotten to enjoy it while it was happening. 

I think that happens so much in life...we think when such-and-such happens then we will be happy.  But man alive, the present is such a present!  That's one of the reasons I chose "present" as my "one word" a few years ago.   I want to "be there" and not somewhere else.   It was really good to be on this hike and be in the present...I had to be because of the snow and mud and slippery situation..I had to keep my head in the present not to fall.  

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