Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Happy 34th Anniversary.

It's easy to be married for 34 years if you pick the "right" person in the first place.  What makes the right person?  Some one that you can grow in love with.  Someone that changes and allows you to change as well. Someone who puts family and God first and everything else falls into line.  Someone who is loyal and lovable....that's My Wayne.

I love this guy.. He is my BOYFRIEND.... I have 6   ( My dad, Wayne, Addison, Landon, Truman and Monson) boyfriends...but he's my first and my forever!

Wayne is the Peanut butter to my Chocolate and the  Rock to my Roll.
We sat at lunch today and looked back at the last 34 years reminisced about the children we created, raised and launched...and the one that is still helping us to hone our parenting skills a bit better.
We have buried three parents...one sibling
We have sent out three missionaries  and have had three marriages .
We have 4 ( 1/2) grandchildren-- really such a joyful part of making it to this age.

We have lived in three places... an apartment in Bountiful, a home in West Bountiful, then back  to a home in Bountiful for the last 26 1/2 years.
We counted up 16 cars and 4 motorcycles we have purchased and driven or rode on.

We have travelled all over the USA and to Mexico, England, Scotland, Germany, China, Thailand, Canada, India, Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico,  and taken 5 cruises.
We have tandem bicycled, motorcycled, bicycled and scuba dived together.
We were in musicals together as a family...Fiddler on the Roof and The King and I..... and as a couple...My Fair Lady and Guys and Dolls.
We have vacationed at Bear Lake EVERY year since we were 16 together... Except for the two years of Argentina mission.

It's good to take a peak back, but even better to focus on the now and look to the future.  I'm so grateful to have my Wayne.  Hitching my star to his wagon was one of the best decisions I ever made!

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