Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Juanito Bandito DAY!!!!

SIBLING LUNCH.... I love that my kids all "tried" to find a time to be together and exchange gifts while Truman was in town...it almost worked.  Alex and Monson didn't make it because of a surprise work meeting and a crash on the freeway...  trying was the important part.  SUSHI all around!  

We have all been looking forward to Juanito Bandito's Christmas since Bre was asked to be a part of it!  We love going to see Junito Bandito at the Pickleville Playhouse in  Bear Lake and have also got a big kick out of the Christmas show.  Bre has had a wonderful time with the Davis family... she reports that they are all generous and kind and delightful to work with.     

Part of the Bandito experience is wearing the free mustache that is passed out to the audience.  Of course Wanee got int he action.  She is a great sport!     We loved.. "I don't like Christmas... I love it"  song and the "Not Christmas holiday ."    We knew we would laugh a lot and we did, we didn't know how sweet the message would be this year.   Bre's song, "Christmas is a chance to begin..." was beautiful.  
Do you love?
Do you live?
Do you care?
Do you give?
Can you find some still in your soul?
Do you pause now and then to feel something within?
No matter where you have been, this Christmas is your chance to begin.
Holly didn't like the mustache...but she loved the show.  She hooted and hollered and cheered really loud when Santa came  on stage with gift for Juanity.   She  "couldn't believe it."

 I couldn't believe it either.... Juanito ( TJ Davis) is so talented... he writes the show, writes original music, directs and stars inJuanito Bandito shows for the past 10 years.  WOW  Bre was perfect at Alia the elf and it was a dream come true for her because she got to wear elf ears!!!
Tru grew his own mustache, Wayne, Me, Kaitlyn Pattison- Laila's BFF, and Wanee

The message of Juanito Bandito's Christmas was really sweet in between all of the laughter.... Here is what the Director TJ Davis wrote in the program....

The message of tonight's show is that Santa exists to remind children of all ages that there is a Higher Power who "sees us when we're sleeping and knows when we're awake."  The "Man up North" will provide us with the things on our wish lists provided that we continue to do our personal best...one choice at a time.  The real Father Christmas truly does send "helpers' to love us and nudge us toward the light when we lose our way.  

May we all regain that feeling of Christmas wonder by remembering that all things testify of Him, most especially during the most wonderful time of the year!

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