Amber Crane, Erin Blake, Barbara Schwartz, Nan Bruske, Mel Evans, Diane Lake, Si Foster, Laura Blenap, Me, Angie Smith, Kim Johnston....all Si's cheerleaders and support team. |
Just when I thought I have heard everything from Karen about relationships and marriage, she comes up with new interesting stories and a different take on relationships. She is so wise. After she compared Jewish bridegroom promises to what the Savior's parable of the bridegroom in the scriptures teaches us, she gave practical ideas on ways to improve marriage: 1. Contemplate how difficult I am to live with. 2. Stop looking over the fence...or stop recording your spouses failures. 3. Love and touch 4. Be kind no matter what.
She gave two "wants" at the end that I'm going to adopt.
*I want to suffer less in my trials.
*I want to Trust more that Jesus Christ and Heavenly Father have everything under control.
1. Balance and agency are linked. We need to stop saying I have to.... the "have to" plan is Satan's plan, the "choose to" plan is Christ's plan. We have our agency.
2. All choices have a Yes and a No component. Make sure we know what we are saying "No" to everytime we say "Yes." Be more cognizant of our choices.
3. Can't vs. Don't. Don't is more impowering, it implies choice. Can't implies takes our control away and feels like outside forces are in charge of our agency. So....Choose what we Don't do rather than Can't do. Studies back this word/thinking up.
Another speaker I really enjoyed was Todd Parker on Scriptures as a spiritual life jacket. Just as we wouldn't go white water rafting without a life jacket so we shouldn't go out into the world without a light jacket. I didn't get a lot of notes because the power points were awesome and Si took pics of those to share with me later...but the gist is reading our scriptures buoys us up in life and allows our light to shine and help others. He talked about sharing our spiritual "light" jackets...we are angels for others on this earth and our call is to minister. There are also guardian angels and heavenly angels we can call upon when we are living in the light.
Matt Townsend spoke about communicating with our Young Adult children. He shared how the word communicate comes from "to commune"...which implies spirit. To commune with nature or someone, we need to get in tune with and be in the spirit. This will help us in our relationships with our children. We need the spirit and to stay in the spirit when dealing with our children. Having a child is not a trial to be endured, but actually children provide our greatest access to our Heavenly Father. We are here to become more like him. They help us to work on this.
During his panel a young adult shared a Stephen R. Covey quote that I really like, "Be a light, not a judge. Be a model not a critic."
1. Make sure your YA knows YOU have a testimony.
2. Help the YA to feel empowered about their lives.
3. Let them fly and make mistakes
4. Communicate.....validate don't invade. Invite don't expect.
Being with friends and recharging my spirit made for an Extraordinary two days for me.
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