Halloween was a riot. We had a party at our home that Bre
and Addi were in charge of and it was great fun! Addison painted a back drop for Halloween mug shots and everyone was in costume.

Add and Bre and Alfie were the Adamms Family…Gomez, Morticia and Baby Pubert. They were perfect. Tru and Laila were skeletons…Laila a Mexican Day of the dead skeleton that Jenna Cole did….it was so perfect. Monson and Lexi were white rappers…M&M and Iggy…and Landon and Alex were a convict and policeman. Sophia was Snowwhite and so was I… Andrew was Robin Hood. The best one was Wayne as Santa Claus…it really threw the grand kids..they didn’t quite know what to think.
We had a lot of people stop in, and many trick or treaters. We played games, and visited and ate good food. No doughnuts this year to stress me out …that was my mom’s thing..she was the queen of it, but I only dreaded it, so I changed it up, thanks to Bre, and we did soup and pie and caramel apples.
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