We headed to West Yellowstone for the 3rd time, last weekend. This time with Wanee, Holly, Tami and Rob. We had a great time traveling together, seeing the beautiful park and watching the Playmill shows featuring Addison and Bre. Our favorite was Dirty Rotten Scoundrels. 
Holly was treated like a queen by all of the Playmill kids....and was so happy to be with her favorite nephew, Addison.
We came up with a TOP TEN Best for this trip:
1. Having Holly go up on stage to be sung Happy Birthday to. She was the definition of true JOY.
2. Wanee drying off with the bath mat because she was sacrificing the bath towels for Wayne and me.
3. Walking down to the Brink of the Lower Falls. It is so impressive at the bottom. We knew Wanee could do it, but Holly even walked down and back up. Good thing she has been exercising!
4. Seeing all 3 of the musicals. Addison and Bre just SHINE! They have so many characters and accents and just sing beautifully.
5. Holly's new BFF... Jennie Moss... one of the Playmill players that made Holly feel so special.
6. Firehole Swimming... Rob, Addison, Bre and Laila all took turns going through the geyser currents.
7. Lunch time with Rob and Tami. They take such care and are so precise when they make their sandwiches. By the time they are ready with their masterpieces, and begin eating, Wayne and I are finished.
8. Wanee riding through the park searching for Animals and commenting on the trees again and again.
9. Getting a face charm necklace that Addison made me for my birthday. It's filled with personality.
10. Laila participating in Playmill Prom... a giant dance party at midnight. All the kids dress up in costumes. Laila got to be part of the Mary Poppins' group as Anne Banks, and stay up til 2am dancing.
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