Saturday, December 31, 2011

Happy New Year....eve

We celebrated with the, games and family!
Wayne won the spoon game.  Nelson and Wayne  are friends even with rival sweatshirts.  Grandpa Lyle and Grandma Sheri with their bonus Grandkids...Laila and Preston
We love doing fire works before Midnight.  Most years it's snowy and we can't see across the street-- this year was just chilly.  Laila was loving the New Years Hat.  She was singing and dancing with it.
Marcie is a good sport and always gets confetti guns and streamers for the count down to midnight.  It's messy, but fun.
I, of course, torture my family with "What a year it's Been!"   2011 type of activities.

Age:  49           Favorite food this year:  Sushi
Favorite Color this year:  Purple       Favorite Activity:  Melinda
Favorite Book or Movie this year:  Harry Potter
Greatest Lesson learned:  Don't eat so much crap.
Hardest thing of the year: Work...starting own company
Favorite Memory:  Still having some memory
What I loved most about 2011:  Surviving the Giant Wind storm...4 days with my chainsaw
Want to learn:  More Chinese
Want to get better at:  Spanish
Biggest Goal:  Double volume at Work

Age:  49           Favorite food this year:  Sushi
Favorite Color this year:   Turquoise           Favorite Activity: Being in Hairspray at CPT
Favorite Book or Movie this year:  The Help
Greatest Lesson learned:  This too shall pass
Hardest thing of the year:  Mom being diagnosed with Cancer
Favorite Memory:  Lindsey dancing with her dad, Dale, at her wedding
What I loved most about 2011: Family, gatherings, new windows, Monson getting his call to Michigan
Want to learn:  to eat less and feel better.
Want to get better at:  Art-- spending time with my Mixed Media projects
Biggest Goal:  Celebrate my 50th birthday in STYLE

Age:  23           Favorite food this year:  Supreme pizza...any dessert
Favorite Color this year:  yellow-- or sparkle      Favorite Activity: Watching Movies 
Favorite Book or Movie this year:  Jacob T. Marley and The Help
Greatest Lesson learned:  Never cease to be amazed by people
Hardest thing of the year: Headaches
Favorite Memory:  Being in the coach's box@ USU for Al's Hall of Fame announcement
What I loved most about 2011:  The realization of how many people love and support me.  The year of the headache has made me really rely and lean on others.
Want to learn: To love Exercise and what Exercises work best for me.
Want to get better at:  Writing my missionary brothers.
Biggest Goal:  Much less headaches an Much more Work so can move out and go back to School

Age:  19           Favorite food this year: Mashed Potatoes
Favorite Color this year:  Red        Favorite Activity: Sports...playing and watching
Favorite Book or Movie this year:  Don't is Dark Knight....forever and always.
Greatest Lesson learned: College Sucks
Hardest thing of the year:  School
Favorite Memory:  Going to Canada on Choir trip
What I loved most about 2011:  Everything except my semester of College
Want to learn:  the Gospel
Want to get better at:  Teaching
Biggest Goal:  Serve the LORD

Age:  9 almost 10           Favorite food this year:  Spaghetti
Favorite Color this year:   Neon hot Pink     Favorite Activity: Reading and acting
Favorite Book or Movie this year:  The Name of this book is Secret, and Harry Potter
Greatest Lesson learned: Ice can be dangerous
Hardest thing of the year:  Ice
Favorite Memory:  going to the live Nativity at Liberty Park
What I loved most about 2011: My birthday
Want to learn:  How to tap dance
Want to get better at:  piano
Biggest Goal:  exercise each day and grow big and strong

Friday, December 30, 2011

Friday 5 Fave..... Monson

Monson is 19 years old.
Melinda, Dale, Wayne, Gma Welch, Landon, Monson, Holly, Laila, Gpa Lyle, Gma Sheri
We celebrated with Grandparents by going to Salt City Burger.... then Monson had Cake, opened a new camera for his mish, and played with Friends--Mackay LaSalle and Kyle Palowski.

 I will always remember when he was born for a couple of reasons:  Sister- Marcie's house burned down the day before, and  sister in law-Tami had baby Tyler 12 hours before Monson was born so we shared a hospital room.
We are at the 5 day count down to Monson leaving for 2 years.
For my final Friday 5 fave of 2011, I am dedicating this to him.
5 Favorite things about Monson.............
1- He gives awesome hugs---if you have ever received one you know what I mean.
2- He loves my cooking-- especially roast beef and mashed potatoes, chicken and rice and spaghetti with meatballs.
3- He "embraces" his red hair-- he jokes about it, sticks up for it and loves his "Gingerness."
4- He is a great listener.
5- He loves the Lord - he is looking forward to his next adventure in Michigan.

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Christmas Decorations

 I have had a nativity tree for many years.  I love having all of the ornaments dedicated to Christ's birth, and an Angel on top looking down.  I have  a little stuffed lamb that I place at the bottom, with a life size baby Jesus in a basket that I hook into the tree.   (It's actually Truman's porcelain doll with his blessing out fit on it, that looks more like Laila, so I am going to be making a new one for Truman  and switching clothes one of these days, but that's another story)  The entire room is filled with various nativities that I have collected over the years.   We also have a white stocking that we fill with notes about what gift we are giving the Savior.   I switch out my pictures in the living room as well, to Nativity pics, and  just fill the entire room  with this motif.
 My favorite nativity is my Precious Moments one.  This doesn't look like much...and parts of it are broken and have been glued back together, but it's definitely my favorite.   As I place it on the piano each year, I reflect back to mine and Wayne's first  Christmas together.  Like most newlyweds, we didn't have any money.  With Wayne in school, and me just  finishing my Student teaching, hoping to have a job someday, times were tight.  Our car needed tires and  we agreed that for Christmas we would get 4 tires, because that is all we could afford.  I was okay with that, because we were living on love, and it was all going to be great some day, but I was also a wee bit sad..... tires for Christmas?   Well my Wayne surprised me with one present on Christmas was this Precious Moments nativity that I have treasured every year since.  Our first  Christmas kind of felt like O'Henry's" Gift of the Magi" Story.  I sold my hair and got Wayne tires and he sold his car and got me a nativity.....or something like that.    Just kidding....but it did feel like a sacrifice, with a wonderful loving surprise at the end.
IN the entry way this year, I have set up vintage ornaments on trees from Grandma Butters  and old chip board houses like the Christmas village I grew up with.  The Garland up the stair way is filled with little kid ornaments and cousin ornaments from ornament exchanges long ago.    Every ornament placed reminds me of people I love.   Addison's Christmas Angel lives there as well.  

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Christmas Wrap up... Top 10

10-- Seeing Lights on Temple square....even though it was soooo cold.  
This is how we celebrated Christmas Adam  ( The night before the night before Christmas)
9-- Christmas Eve Cole Family Breakfast at Marcie's with White elephant Gift Exchange.

8-- Cole Family Traditional Bowling at Bountiful Bowl....even Winston joined us

7-- Seeing Add and Bre's faces when they opened their new TV...
6--  Sing a long at Grandma Sheri's.  Love the family choir sound we make.
5--  Laila's solution to hiding presents til after Church
4-- Laila's joy in bursting through the wrapping paper

3--  Three Presents  appreciated and the squeal Monson made when he opened his Heat Jersey.
2-- Christmas dinner with the Reynold's family and Wanee and Holly.  Monson and Landon helped with the mashed potatoes, and Wayne brought me beautiful roses for the table.  
1--Truman's Telephone call.....   Gpa Lyle and Gma Sheri joined in the conversation.... I am so happy my Mom is feeling okay enough to join in all of the festivities.
It was so good to talk to my boyfriend, and see his cute, skinny, long face.  He is totally engaged in missionary work and happy to be in England.  

My Missionary!!!!!!!

Welch Year in Review...2011

This is what we send out every year  in our attempt at a family news letter. It's short and sweet and the drawing is incredible.......!?!

Friday, December 23, 2011

Friday 5 Fave......about Wayne

I love  my Wayne...... I pretty much wear it on my sleeve.  
There are many reasons why I love my high school sweetheart, but I will share 5.
1.  He  loves his Mother....and she loves
2.  Wayne loves birds...he has become the Bird man of Bountiful.  We have 5 feeders in our backyard to help with the Winter feeding of finches, blue scrub jays, woodpeckers, sparrows, chickadees, northern flickers.....all of the birds that don't fly south for the winter.  
3.  Wayne and Laila love to watch "bird tv" out of  our picture window
4.  We have a 25 pound of peanuts in shell in our garage for the birds
5.  Wayne loves people...he wants to support our friends who opened a Feed the Birds store in Bountiful, during a recession.  

All reasons why I love my Wayne.

Wayne just came home with his own Merry Christmas present...two more bird feeders!!!

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Christmas Cheer from my favorite Artist.

Addison has been sculpting away and has two Christmas themed creatures left.  
             A bashful elf....about 18 inches tall, with the sweetest face you have ever seen, hand stitched clothes and a giant gold buckle on his belt.  The Elf is $85

....................and a wise, old  angel  "block Head" singing Alleluia! The Angel is 20 inches and is  $65

IF you are interested in purchasing one of these from a starving student/struggling artist let me know.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Christmas ornaments 2011

We have been giving our kids ornaments since 1999.  I have a friend, Sherry Williams who does them for me.  She is so willing, even when I call her last minute.  The kids look forward to these every year.  The plan is, when they have kids of their own, they can take these to their homes and reminisce about years and Christmas's past.
The off to London  for 2 months-- we were at the Royal wedding Couple ornament
Lando with long hair, scruff and a head ache ornament
Elder Truman......same ornament as last year, because he is still a missionary!
Red shirted, football hopeful who tolerated Dixie State and is happy to be home, red headed Monson ornament
Laila lost 3 teeth this year...two that she pulled out herself with in a 1/2 hour of discovering they were loose ornament.
Addison's ornaments since 1999

Landon's ornaments since 1999
Truman's ornaments since 1999

Monson's ornaments since 1999
Laila's ornaments since 1999

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Monson's Farewell

Monson had his mission farewell today. 
Tanner Farley...home from Fiji.....and Monson.....ready to go to Michigan!
 The church was packed because it was Money's farewell and Tanner Farley's homecoming.    Monson spoke today on the topic, Trust in the Lord.  To send a 19 year old boy out into our big world takes a lot of trusting in the Lord, for this momma!
Monson talked about many things and different people who trusted in the Lord, but I was really pleased when he spoke about Laila's head injury and how we as a family just had to put all of our Trust in the Lord to make it through this..... my big, tough, football player got all choked up about it.   He also said some pretty nice things about his Grandma Sheri and her optimistic attitude as she tackles this cancer that's in her body.  She is a fighter and will definitely kill "it" with kindness.  It was fun to see the debut of Mom's new red/strawberry blonde wig too.  She looks like Monson's Grandma, that's for sure.  So stunning!
Lindsey, James, Holly, Wanee
Pizza and Salad!! Dad, Laura, Rob, Mom
Stuart and Emily Wolthuis with me and Wayne
Jenna and Landon
Tami and Linda Wangsgaard
Some of Monson's boys:  Morgan Ellis, Jordan Bell, Dallin Butters, Richard Gnautavi
Monson talking to Paul and Bonnie Evensen....some of his favorite people.

Cousins:  Brady, Kylie, Nathan, Kimberly, Shelby and Uncle Rob

Angela, Brad, Mom and Me
We had a house full of people.  I'm always amazed at how many bodies we can fit in here.  Good thing we remodeled.    I really loved looking around at everyone and thinking, "Wow, these wonderful people all love and support my kids and our family."  I just felt warm all over and a bit teary.  The gospel truly brings us all together.

Monson is going to be a great missionary in Michigan...and now he just needs to get through these next 16 days. I have plans to keep him busy and give him things to do so he just doesn't sit around all day in waiting. I am glad it's the holidays, filled with built in family time and parties.  Monson will be leaving soon and it makes me excited and teary all at the same time.
We finally got Monson's missionary pics back.  A wonderful lady takes missionary pics for free.  She is Shootz photography up in Kaysville, and I find her and this service truly amazing.  I am grateful to have stumbled upon this blessing.  The pics are beautiful of my baby boy.