Thursday, June 9, 2011

Carnival 2011--SUCCESS!

Monson and Emilee Dahl....painting faces.  My dad giving the carnival...two thumbs up!
Me with Nicole Bohn...a beautiful 7 month old...
Angela, Gma Sheri and cousin Preston at the donation table..... Boys vs. Girls Jars
G ma Welch and Laila
Cotton Candy!
Cousin Nash with a Cotton Candy beard
Cousin Haley and friend with Princess crowns
Evans boys waiting at the Sponge throw
Cousin Abby Welch....more cotton Candy!
Wayne was the cotton candy king.  Cousin Shelby ran the  Sno- cones and Monson did popcorn
Cindyand Sandy  help with Balloon pop
Cousin Kylie and Nash  helping with the Fish Pond
It was a beautiful Tuesday morning for the Laila Carnival.  We had a good group of people to help us and made money for Primary Children's Hospital....$545.00!!!!!
Oh, by the way, the girls won by $75.00

1 comment:

Andrew and Gina said...

wow. this is really a neat event. "carnival 2011"? so I am guessing you guys do this every year? i'd love to come next year.